Completed my 6th game today!

Dave Mac

So level 7 awaits.

I refed under 17's which is the oldest competitive game I've done. Early doors one of the home teams player was getting pulled a bit, I gave the free kick and he slightly pushed the player who fouled him. I think he was going to really shove him over and stopped himself at the last second. I stepped in and had a real stern word with him as I didnt think it was the worst I've seen and made it clear if he even breathed wrong it would be going in the book.

The problem I had was the away teams assistant manager was furious and spent the rest of the game saying I was making the rules and was the worst ref they'd had. It wasnt helped that his team lost 7-1. But must say his knocking through out the game kinda knocked my confidence. I then found myself letting alot go as felt I'd set the tone that I'd let a bit go, especially with the push incident I felt like I'd set out that I'd let it be fairly robust. There wasnt any shocking tackles or anything but a few times I would have normally given a freekick I let things carry on as I thought it would be inconsistant to start blowing for everything. It wasnt a nasty game and lets be honest a 7-1 the winners didnt care too much and the losing teams heads really dropped so it wasnt competitive for about 70 minutes so the game didnt get out of control, but felt like it could have done.

Then at the end the losing teams assistant manager who'd been giving me such a hard time even refused to shake my hand at the end. Which was a bit of kick in the teeth.

I'm starting to think I should just stick to the younger lads, and today has made me question whether moving into open age football might be a mistake.
A&H International
Sounds to me that you are being a bit harsh on yourself. Don't let one manager have you doubting your ability.
Honestly, we've all been there, its not easy at the time, but you soon get over it and improve with each game.

It may be worth doing a few more kids games, but why not try and get a line on a few open age games? Ease yourself in to it. I did that when i was 16, best thing i did
Cheers Ross. I always critique myself soooo much. I also write music and always hate the stuff I do in the end.

I think I'm just focusing on a few incidents and not focusing on the stuff I'm getting right. Ultimately with being a ref you'll make one team happy with every freekick you give and dont give and one team unhappy.

I'm thinking I'll try and get some open age games in.
I'm similar to you, I do some 'punditry' on the national radio for the BBC's Welsh radio version of Football Focus, and I can't stand hearing my own voice, its horrible :eek:

Anyway, back to the point, don't worry about coaches. They are about, and they will tell every ref, every week that they are the worst they have ever had. They get frustrated, and the lad (or lass) in black is always the target. If they get out of hand, bin him :)

Good luck with some open age and keep up the good work :)