Corners - What's the Law Regarding Ball In Or Out Of Quadrant?


I'll Decide ...
I seem to see so much of this these days, both on the TV and in the matches I referee myself.
All too often, corners are taken with the ball literally more outside the line of the corner quadrant than in it.
I'm not aware of any hard and fast rule or of any law which categorically states what the accepted "in or out" boundary is but surely the ball should be more inside the line than outside it?

I know about the "whole of the ball" issue, but should that not apply so as to make sure the ball is inside the line rather than outside it?
Advice and/or opinions please chaps, gratefully received as always. :)
A&H International
It's simple. Law simply stars the ball must be within the quadrant, therefore providing any part of the ball in within the quadrant (including touching/overhanging the outside of the line) that's fine.
It's simple. Law simply stars the ball must be within the quadrant, therefore providing any part of the ball in within the quadrant (including touching/overhanging the outside of the line) that's fine.

Okay, fair enough, thanks for that. Does the same then not also apply for penalty kicks as well? i.e. the ball doesn't have to be on the penalty mark, just so long as at least a minute part of it is touching the mark, it's okay?
Exactly that, yes. The lines form part of the field that they mark therefore if it touches the mark/line that is fine.
Okay, fair enough, thanks for that. Does the same then not also apply for penalty kicks as well? i.e. the ball doesn't have to be on the penalty mark, just so long as at least a minute part of it is touching the mark, it's okay?
'On' and 'In' aren't the same thing. Therefore I think it's reasonable to expect the ball must be on the middle of the mark (seen some interesting markings, circles about a foot wide - of course players want to put it on the closest side!). Use your judgement if you're going to be that pedantic or not.
To be honest, it's the players/opposing team that are being pedantic.
"Ref, that's not inside the D" or "That's not on the spot Ref". :rolleyes:
As with all things, I just like to know exactly where I stand in law. ;) :)
It always makes me laugh that a "Professional" footballer feels the need to gain that extra inch by putting the ball to the absolute limit and only just touching the line.
I know he's not a professional but my younger brother asked me about this as he's a corner taker and he now gets the ball to the very limit, touch line side of the quadrant and from there he can actually get it to curl in to the top far post, nobody is expecting it and it's a good goal so there can be a justifiable reason for doing it.
It always makes me laugh that a "Professional" footballer feels the need to gain that extra inch by putting the ball to the absolute limit and only just touching the line.

I also see a trend at penalty kicks to have place the ball as close to the goal as possible while still technically being on the penalty spot.