Crouch vs Real Madrid



Only one thing I can say here ... PRAT !

Why he felt the need to take people out in his own half of the pitch is beyond me
A&H International
Easiest decision ive seen in a while. Dont quite know why he decided to make two shocking tackles in quick succession. Although ive seen players walk for similar challenges to either of his 2
I watched the game and thought the referee did a splendid job in keeping things in check, not perfect however when are we ever perfect (even though we never lose a game :rolleyes:)?
I was sitting next to a few mates, and feelings were mixed. Some believed that it was two fouls and warrented the card, however some protested that the referee was a bit harsh and that the first challenge didn't warrent a caution. He then went on to have a rant about how standards of refereeing in other countries are different etc. I told him though that different countries have different styles of play and therefore different referees with different perspectives on the same fouls (which he didn't agree with but begrudgingly acknowledged may I add).

I for one was with the referee straight away and it was two silly lunges in a big game and he deserved to go, to which I received an ear bashing but then eventual acknowledgement :D..