Crystal Palace v Manchester City


RefChat Addict
Start with Guardiola's comments on protection for players after 4 should-have-been-reds in 4 games (and yellows today for minor stuff by comparison).

And the foul that should have been red today. It should have been yellow just for disrupting the counter-attack but Puncheon hadn't even been watching the penalty, suggesting malice aforethought.

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A&H International
Thought Jon Moss had a poor game.....lots of pushes and shoves that were left unchecked.....Puncheon should have seen red.....horrible challenge.
Anyone got some tissues, I’m finding it hard to have some compassion for Citee. Swings and roundabouts!

Hehe, before the oil money I actually thought they were a decent club with great passionate away support, we do share something in common though, we both have a deluded noisy neighbour!!
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I think we can now add in to Mr Moss's game his initial reluctance to allow Gabriel Jesus to be treated on the pitch for what turns out to be cruciate ligament damage.
Not his job to diagnose injuries. He should book himself for delaying the restart.

It looked to me that he was asking Jesus if he wanted treatment and wasn't getting a response. I've been there myself plenty of times, and I'm not calling the physio on unless the player asks for it or is very clearly and obviously injured. Sometimes players have to take account for their own actions.
I'm not calling the physio on unless the player asks for it or is very clearly and obviously injured. Sometimes players have to take account for their own actions.

Interesting approach. I am the opposite. I ask the player clearly, if no response I ask a second time and then the trainer is coming on. For me, its either a case of the player being too 'hurt' to pay attention to my question or not paying attention deliberately. In the first case he needs the trainer, in the second case I want him to leave the FOP to give him a reason to to pay attention next time.