

Active Member
Level 4 Referee
Had my first game today, seemed like a piece of cake with it being U14.... 11 mins in, a ball is played through to the striker who is deliberately tripped, so i had to caution as there was another defender coming across, which prevented it being a DOGSO(it was on the edge of the area).

Question: this is mainly for the worcestershire lads, but should i use the whole game system to send in the form, or just email it?
A&H International
Deliberate does not mean a caution in and of itself.

The important definitions are; is it a careless or reckless trip (difficult to imagine an excessive force trip :) )

The other consideration: does it deny an obvious goal scoring opportunity or is it a tactical foul denying a promising attack/position.

@Greeny if you're not sure it is DOGSO, you did right not to brandish the red. A wrong red card is the worst mistake a ref can make. It's easy to look back and wonder if you were correct or did you "bottle it" (as you say) but you called it as you saw it at the time.

@haywain sneaked in with a post before me!
I'd say bottling the red is the right thing. Hear me out! If this was your first game then the first red you give should be nailed on and without doubt. If you can give a yellow then I think that's better as red cards totally change games, especially at Sunday league level in my opinion. Of course if they deserve it then they deserve it.

My first red was in fact two reds for a pair of boys that for no reason other than they were idiots just started having a fight!
I'd say bottling the red is the right thing. Hear me out! If this was your first game then the first red you give should be nailed on and without doubt. If you can give a yellow then I think that's better as red cards totally change games, especially at Sunday league level in my opinion. Of course if they deserve it then they deserve it.

My first red was in fact two reds for a pair of boys that for no reason other than they were idiots just started having a fight!

I agree. My first red was similar, where a player just punched another in the face for no reason! And it was at u13!
I agree. My first red was similar, where a player just punched another in the face for no reason! And it was at u13!

Mine was great. U14 goal kick, really good game. I'm literally signalling for the goal kick and two boys are just grabbing each other round the throat and throwing punches at each other. Last literally seconds, I remember I was telling them it was unacceptable and taking their names I was shaking like a leaf trying to write their names down. After the match I had to check their team websites to double check the names as I could barely read my own writing! As one boy was walking off the manager came on the pitch having a right go at him. So I trotted over and told him to leave the field etc thinking it might be livening up. But the manager said sorry and told me the boy was his son! At half time he made his boy come over and apologies while he was giving his team talk. Weirdly after the game the manager came over and double checked I would be reporting his boy to the fa for the red as said it's the only way he'll learn. Was a really decent youth team manager, well apart from invading the pitch!
I'm not a kid but I see referee that like at your level that blatantly moan at us lower level refs for giving cards out willy nilly or wanting to keep record of it and causing issues to keep being closed down

Lol....I think you'll find that I have no problem with high card counts....nor wishing to keep track of it.

I was just curious about the view that deliberate trip = caution.
Right, I'm going to clear this thread up. Will leave it open as it's a good thread that's just had some 'off-topic' posts.

Please let's stay on topic chaps!

Also, let the mods deal with posts that need to be dealt with, rather than having a go at people (and thus creating more work for us!)

EDIT - thread cleaned up. Apologies to @Padfoot - I accidentally deleted a post I didn't mean to (about every trip being a caution) and can't un-delete it (@Ross may be able to)

My thoughts - OP from @Greeny. If your CFA are fully functional with WGS, then that's what you should use. Do double check with your RDO though as you don't want to be done for failure to send in cautions!

I can't recall a single red card I ever gave below u16 level as it happens. There is definitely a time and place for them though (such as fighting as described!) and wouldn't hesitate to bring out the red in such situations!
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