
Roland rat

New Member
Level 5 Referee

If you get demoted from 4 to 5 can you apply for promotion straight away?

Obviously bandings are out after the promotion season has started but if you were to apply now surely it's ok
A&H International
It depends "who you know"!
I dropped back down to 5 after failing the fitness tests in the summer of 2012 but wasn't allowed to go re-apply until the following March so I had 2 seasons at 5 before I got my 4 back. The same happened to one of my colleagues in 2013 after he'd finished E/E on bandings. He got his 4 back 2 seasons later too.
I did find out about one referee who didn't have to wait the 2 seasons and got back on the promotion trail immediately.
If you're level 5 now why are you worried about it?
As far as I am aware, you have to spend a full season at 5 before you could reapply for promotion again.

Say you are informed in May 2017 that you are no longer a level 4. You could apply for promotion for the March 2018/19 season, then again be a level 4 for the 2019/20 season.
CA is correct, you have to spend a full season at level 5 before going back for promotion to level 4, so you essentially spend at least two years away from L4.
I repeat; it depends who you know. I know for a fact of one who dropped to 5 and was only there one season. CA and RustyRef are correct on how it is supposed to be.