Dissent by player / Referee


Level 5 Referee
My pet hate at the moment is players who show dissent by making comments along the lines of "I know you're wrong! I'm a Referee!" This will be a caution every time as far as I'm concerned, even if the player's other comments are not as bad as other ones I've let go with a reprimand. As far as I'm concerned this is a player stating that he knows the LOTG better than I do in order to undermine my authority.
The first time I had a player state this was at the end of a feisty game about 5 years ago. I sent three players off, including the home captain for a disgraceful challenge.
The home team like to "put one in" on players they challenge, and on this occasion the challenge came from just behind side-on with two straight legs. The right foot played the ball while the left foot took the ball of the opponent's ankle very slightly after. The home manager (who is an animal!) shouted "great tackle!" He then shouted "what! That's not a free kick!" which rapidly changed to "you can't send him off for that!"
I was 5 yards behind the player who dived in and I know the contact was intentional from the way he went into it. (Not that intent matters, but the fact that he obviously intended to hurt the opponent made the challenge worse)
At the end of the game the away goalkeeper came up, initially to shake my hand. However, he then told me he thought it was harsh sending the other team's captain off! since "He played the ball first!" When I told him that didn't matter he then told me that he's a Referee and he knows I'm wrong. He then carried on, before I eventually told him to go away and check, but that the decision was right.
At the end of the season I had the divisional final between the same two teams. The GK wasn't playing on this occasion and since one of his mates was on the line came in to the dressing room before the game. He mentioned that there had been trouble in the game earlier in the season, including an awful challenge for which the captain had rightly been sent off! I reminded him that I knew because I'd done the game! He'd obviously either thought about it and come to the right decision himself or else had consulted someone else.
My point is (finally - sorry!) players are more frequently telling me that they're a Referee in order to justify them showing dissent. I've had two in the last two weeks. As stated above, I consider this to be a caution whatever else is said.
What do other people think and how do you react if this is said? Also, I know other people on this forum also play as well as reffing. If you think the ref has got it wrong, do you tell him - including the "I'm a Referee" part?
A&H International
My point is (finally - sorry!) players are more frequently telling me that they're a Referee in order to justify them showing dissent. I've had two in the last two weeks. As stated above, I consider this to be a caution whatever else is said.
What do other people think and how do you react if this is said? Also, I know other people on this forum also play as well as reffing. If you think the ref has got it wrong, do you tell him - including the "I'm a Referee" part?

For me, that's a professional discourtesy if it's said during a match and deserves a caution in the context (there I go again :D) of the game Mark. ;)
If I were ever to say it to a fellow referee, it would only ever be to lend weight to a point I was trying to make during a polite discussion taking place well after the match had finished. Fact is, I doubt I'd ever mention it unless asked. Just not polite. :)
i took a shot from outside the area saturday just gone and it struck a defenders hand, he was about 7 feet or so in front of me... i still appealed for the free kick ( in my head i was thinking i'd never give it in a million years as there was no movement of the defenders hand) but it still didnt stop me appealing, and then consequently agreeing with the ref's decision . i will happily appeal for stuff during a game but never, ever state that i'm a ref and would have judged an incident any differently. if i show that lack of respect then i suspect some of my team mates would follow suit, makes for an unpleasant afternoon for all concerned
You're a referee? Great stuff. Then you know full well why I am giving you this here caution! :D

No mercy to those dumb enough to claim to be a referee on the field of play.
if i show that lack of respect then i suspect some of my team mates would follow suit, makes for an unpleasant afternoon for all concerned
That's my point. If a team mate who is (claims to be) a referee shows dissent against a decision then it encourages the others to do the same because he must know the rules (sic) or he wouldn't say anything. This can have the effect of "wind them up and watch them go!" as far as the rest of the team is concerned.

The fact that someone else who is obviously a referee is saying something different doesn't appear to occur to them. I suspect they're so used to questioning every decision that they don't see the irony.
even if the player's other comments are not as bad as other ones I've let go with a reprimand.

Dangerous territory to stray into....shows a lack of consistency and will end up chipping away at your match control as players will be confused as to where the line is.

Once you've cautioned for your 'I'm a ref' line, you will have to make sure you keep cautioning for anything similar or worse from that point on.
If you go back to reprimands for worse comments after such a soft caution then you will have issues.
even if the player's other comments are not as bad as other ones I've let go with a reprimand.

Dangerous territory to stray into....shows a lack of consistency and will end up chipping away at your match control as players will be confused as to where the line is.

Once you've cautioned for your 'I'm a ref' line, you will have to make sure you keep cautioning for anything similar or worse from that point on.
If you go back to reprimands for worse comments after such a soft caution then you will have issues.
I sort of agree, but in my opinion this is an "in the opinion of the referee" moment. There are things a player can say that get my back up, while others may not be fussed, and this is one of them. There may be different comments that push your buttons. The intention of saying this is to take away my match control, and as such I consider it more dangerous than a player who knows nothing (and if he doesn't make the "I'm a ref" comment that's what I assume!) telling me a decision is rubbish because of the trouble it can lead to.

Luckily in my experience the people who make this comment don't usually leave it there. It tends to be a part of a tirade that is easily punishable as dissent anyway so it's not like shooting fish in a barrel! The players who say it tend to be young and inexperienced and don't seem able to stop themselves from carrying on going.
I have refereed several people around here who I know are also referees. I have never had issues with any of them. Of course, it could be that they know me and are too scared to say anything!

I find that most tend to keep well clear of any dissent so as not to get sucked in. A couple of times I've had players say "ask him. He's a ref!" but when I look there's a player standing there looking embarrassed at being drawn into a conversation he really doesn't want to be part of!
Outside the area where I don't know the players so well and they don't know me is where this comment comes up.
It's just that as soon as they make that comment I'm mentally reaching for the book.