Dissent from injured player


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
So in today's game oranges player is tacked with a fair bit of force due to the comparative size of his opponent but in my mind 100% fairly challenged. The ball trickles out for a goal kick after some shielding and then I see the orange player is on the ground, thumping the turf and clutching his knee. I wave on the coach/physio to assess the injury and while the player is still down he is questioning my decisions, calling the tackle a joke along with all my calls for the day. Had already initiated the stepped approach for this particular player and this was the last straw. Coach tells his player to shut up then says there will have to be a substitution. I say just one moment and yellow card the player for dissent, the player is on the ground still...I then allow him to leave the field (was only 5 yards or so from the touchline) to be replaced by another player. Only the injured lad had any arguments about my actions really but did I do this correctly? Often I see referees on TV waiting until the player gets up from his cruncher of a challenge to get booked but this felt different, I know it was a clear booking for dissent but have no idea if procedure was right or not!
A&H International
No one else is having a go at this one...!

I think the best approach is to wait for them to get up and show the card - but that's not to say that what you did was wrong, IMO.

A better lesson to learn might be to do the following:

- assess the injury
- call on the physio (or sub with sponge..!)
- back away so that you aren't drawn into conversation with the player (I tend to stay about 10 yds away).
Once you have assessed the injury, I agree nothing to be gained by staying with the injured player.

Whole world and his wife want to tell you how bad the tackle was, how bad you are etc etc etc
I always say if the 'physio' is more interesting in telling me what card/how bad the tackle is to 'asses your player I am not interested' in a very loud voice. Normally shuts them up.
Seems like you did the right thing although generally it's considered best to wait for an injured player to return to his feet before showing a caution... but not a necessity by any means. :)