Do the laws apply


Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee
I am recovering from an injury so am having Sunday's off and so I decide to go and watch my local under 12 team who have asked me to ref for them a few times.
What I saw confused me as a few of them were wearing like tights under their kit , one kid had an orange base layer when his primary kit was black / white stripes and another one had a taped up ear ring. Then during the game fight broke out and one player was removed from the game by being carried off and the coach had to ask if he had been sent off but the other player wasn't sent off or even cautioned. Another player kicked the ball away in anger and wasn't cautioned. Lots of follow through son challenges and lots of blatant pushes as well as most throws were with one foot off the ground So my question is do the laws of the game not apply to kids of this age ? How can the future player start to learn when they are not enforced or play in this manner.
A&H International
I am recovering from an injury so am having Sunday's off and so I decide to go and watch my local under 12 team who have asked me to ref for them a few times.
What I saw confused me as a few of them were wearing like tights under their kit , one kid had an orange base layer when his primary kit was black / white stripes and another one had a taped up ear ring. Then during the game fight broke out and one player was removed from the game by being carried off and the coach had to ask if he had been sent off but the other player wasn't sent off or even cautioned. Another player kicked the ball away in anger and wasn't cautioned. Lots of follow through son challenges and lots of blatant pushes as well as most throws were with one foot off the ground So my question is do the laws of the game not apply to kids of this age ? How can the future player start to learn when they are not enforced or play in this manner.
Dad ref or qualified (uniformed) ref?
They told me he was a qualified ref but he was wearing a tracksuit not the normal uniform.
They told me he was a qualified ref but he was wearing a tracksuit not the normal uniform.
"They" might have been trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Trackie wearing qualified refs are often those who passed the course by good fortune.
Your probably right his signals weren't right either. Made me think though that it's important at this age to have qualified refs at games so that the future of our game is looked after and the kids actually learn to play within the laws.
Even with qualified refs at this age you are not guaranteed to see the LOTG applied.....many think, or feel, that cards do not apply at this age and will ask for players to be subbed in lieu of correct disciplinary action.
I love sending kids off .....last weeks Trackie Ref is about to start :D
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Had on a number of occasions over the years wear I have spoken to players, even as young as under 8s (preferably with their coach or parent present at younger ages) and told them earrings are not allowed under any circumstances. It's usually immediately followed by "Why?" "Can I tape it up?" My standard speech about if you get the ball in the ear, chances are you won't have much of an ear left afterwards, usually does the trick!

Age old discussion, when is the right age to start carding. There does generally seem to be an unwritten rule, which is reinforced by pitch side mentors that no player under 12 and younger should receive cards. I admit I have been to soft at times in the past when dealing with certain issues due to players ages, although at the same time have red carded at u12s for SFP & VC. A recent u13s match I mentioned previously proved to me without a doubt that once players reach 11v11 at u13, they are old enough to be carded, if not before....

As I said in another thread, unfortunately the situation isn't helped by referees out there that believe no player under 18 should be carded! :mad:

Watching my son's u13s team earlier, the opposition were a prime example of a side that had no experience of being disciplined in any way. Constant arguing with the home referee, disputing every offside call, fouls regardless of severity didn't warrant a single word in the offender's ear from the referee etc. Sooner or later, they will get a nasty surprise!
Does my head in, I have zero tolerance for jewellery as should every referee as its a law of the game that none must be worn. However on the line on sat for a senior league game and the ref says inspect kit so pull up 3 players for wedding rings all turn round and say sorry it don't come off to which the ref then replies don;t worry.

On the line in a women's premier league match in the northern division, sub about to come on, doing the checks for jewelery and I can see the player is trying to hide a couple of studs in the ears by putting a head sweatband over them. I tell her to take them out as all must be out and she goes off in a huff and says your the first referee this year thats picked that up. The ref at the end of the game turns round and goes I should of just let her on and not caused a fuss over nothing!
rings whilst playing?! wow ... 'either take the ring off now or rish it being cut off if you break your finger ... '

zero tolerance on jewelty im afraid!
I do have a slightly different level of tolerance when reffing kids. If anything, my level for language goes up, so they are fully aware what they can and can't say to a referee. As I've mentioned before, I think it helps being clear with the team / manager before the game what will and will not be accepted on the pitch.

The kids league I ref in did say that they wanted to see all red card match reports before putting them through to the FA to try and sort without getting them involved. I still put them through :rolleyes:
I was on the line to a referee in the Allied Counties U18 league last week. He cautioned a lad for a very late tackle with about 10 minutes to go. As the player walked away from him after the caution he waved his arm in the air and said, " That's an effing joke ref!" so my colleague cautioned him a second time for dissent and sent him off. After the game we were told (I assume by this lad's Dad) that we were a disgrace and that we shouldn't be using cards as they are ONLY 16/17 years old ! Really ?