Do we HAVE to wear boots with studs?

Dave Mac

I know the place I'm refereeing at tomorrow is notorious for a fairly hard pitch and with the recent good weather I'm expecting it to be very hard. I'm just wondering do I have to wear boots with studs, or can I wear something like some astroturfs etc.
A&H International
You wear whatever you're comfortable wearing. I've got 3 pairs of footwear. Moulded, studs and Astros.
I was 99% sure that was the case but there was this small part in my mind telling me it had to be studs!

Think I'll go with the astros tomorrow as I'm expecting the pitch to be pretty hard.
Nope. As long as they are predomenantly black, and don't draw attention to yourself, anything goes. Often, non-studded boots are more convenient :)