Elleray clarifys...

Ciley Myrus

RefChat Addict
Bbc sport have an article up with Elleray discussing VAR so far. He appears to conceed England should have had a pk, and agrees with me that Swedn pk was so obv that VAR should not have been needed. Also that France were correctly awarded their pk.
Its refreshing to hear from one so influential and more concrete for me than Halsey or sadly even Clattenburg
A&H International
"The initial challenge by the Australia defender looks fair but close examination shows that the defender then lifts his leg to trip Griezmann. This is something the referee did not see and thus he made a clear error in not awarding a penalty kick. Correct VAR intervention."

This is a dangerous interpretation of qualifying clear and obvious. The referee was looking at it. Why do you think he didn't see it? Everytime there is contact and VAR deems it a foul then he can say the referee didn't see it and must be a clear and obvious error.

What constitutes a foul from contact is subjective.
Surprised Collina or Bussacca aren’t issuing press releases, they have always been great communicators. They are just leaving a vaccuum for the VAR bashers to fill.
@one that is exactly my issue with the VAR protocol as it stands. Surely anything the ref gets wrong is a “clear and obvious error” by their logic?
I think this my third time on this forum saying this. What constitutes a clear and obvious error is not very clear (ironic). IFAB needs to have a clear and concise definition of it.
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Surprised Collina or Bussacca aren’t issuing press releases, they have always been great communicators. They are just leaving a vaccuum for the VAR bashers to fill.

I hear there's supposed to be one at the end of the group round of fixtures.
Dud elleray even watch it? The leg was a few inches off the ground then it came up AFTER catching the French player's heel. This description of his is completely inaccurate!!
Dud elleray even watch it? The leg was a few inches off the ground then it came up AFTER catching the French player's heel. This description of his is completely inaccurate!!

Yep. It was such an obvious penalty for me. I'd have been tempted to consider DOGSO after looking at the replay several times.
One thing that I see happening is that the referees are not making difficult decisions anymore and are relying very heavily on their VARs.
Dud elleray even watch it? The leg was a few inches off the ground then it came up AFTER catching the French player's heel. This description of his is completely inaccurate!!

By Elleray's logic it would be a red card for DOGSO as he's implying the player has deliberately raised his leg to trip the player after winning the ball. That action couldn't be considered a genunine attempt for the ball.

Never a foul, never mind a 'clear and obvious' error.