enough games, not enough assessments


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Due to shift work commitments this season I have gone down the route of not being available for selection and just picking up games as and when the leagues I referee in need a referee fairly last-minute.

I should hit my 20 game target but, given that I'm only confirming my games to my promotion scheme co-ordinator on friday or perhaps thursday, I'm not sure how flexible the cfa will be over appointing assessors to my games.

I can, of course, and will, if neccessary, raise the matter at some point with him but just wondered if any assessors out there have encountered this situation and, if so, how their cfa responded
A&H International
I think the crucial thing here is communication. Have you told the co-ordinator about the situation and therefore the reason you're only confirming games late on?

If you haven't then I don't suspect you'll get much sympathy as it may be interpreted as you not getting your admin sorted in time. However, if they know then I suspect they will be a great deal more understanding.
Cheers, asm.

Yep, everyone in the loop, i.e. cfa central appointments, ref secretaries for the four leagues i ref in, the guy in charge of schools and colleges appointments and the promo co-ordinator, too

Now, if only I can convince them all that I'm not really 56 :)
Cheers, asm.

Yep, everyone in the loop, i.e. cfa central appointments, ref secretaries for the four leagues i ref in, the guy in charge of schools and colleges appointments and the promo co-ordinator, too

Now, if only I can convince them all that I'm not really 56 :)

Try getting some buzzer flags, the latest Nike kit, FIFA cards maybe a Spintso watch....you'll look like many other young promotion hopefuls....all the gear etc etc
Reminder to self to start tucking shirt in and buy some grecian 2000 or it's modern day equivalent
Like anyone in any line of work they will look for the path of least resistance and effort. If they have a referee who advises games 4 weeks in advance and another who only advises them 2 days before, they will go with the former to ease their own planning. That said, with the former having advised all their games, their assessments should be completed early, leaving more assessors to come along and look at yours.
Like anyone in any line of work they will look for the path of least resistance and effort. If they have a referee who advises games 4 weeks in advance and another who only advises them 2 days before, they will go with the former to ease their own planning. That said, with the former having advised all their games, their assessments should be completed early, leaving more assessors to come along and look at yours.

Cheers, brian
Try getting some buzzer flags, the latest Nike kit, FIFA cards maybe a Spintso watch....you'll look like many other young promotion hopefuls....all the gear etc etc
I don't have any of them except FIFA cards, fancy buying them for me ;)