First game back


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Finally back in the middle after weeks of illness (possibly long-covid) with an U13s game.

I'm actively trying to be more vocal this season, something I found hard in my first half-season earlier this year. This went well and I found it actually made me more clear myself in the decisions I was giving. Almost like a running commentary to myself and those round me. 'Nothing wrong with that challenge' 'You can't pull him back like that' etc.

Probably only four incidents of any note during the game:

Blew the whistle for a potential head injury leading to the Home team getting a dropped ball near their own corner flag. Away player approaches and I tell him he can't challenge the dropped ball until it is in play. Away Coach (ex-player) is shouting that he can challenge. I make the player stand 4m away and tell him he can challenge once the ball hits the ground. GK asks if he can pick it up from the dropped ball, which I must admit I was unsure of. Home coach tells him he wants the CB taking it anyway so the situation never occurred. (I've since established the GK can pick up a dropped ball)

During a scrambled corner clearance the Away GK screams 'Get rid of the f******* thing'. Home coaches (and then players) telling me he can't swear. Waved them away as not directed at anyone and certainly not OFFINABUS.

Penalty to the Away team. Blatant trip right in front of me. A few grumbles of protestation, but absolutely clear.

Most controversial decision I made happened late on with the score at 1-1 following the penalty. Away GK sends a huge kick downfield where the ball bounces over everyone resulting in the CB and CF both chasing it. CB gets there first and puts his foot through it with (IMO) an attempt to put it out somewhere in the vicinity of the corner flag (either for a corner or throw) but he shanks it and it goes high rather than long. The GK, seeing this, sprints from his goal towards the ball and stops it right on the corner of the area and the goal line using his hands. Cue uproar from the Away coaches and players claiming it was a pass back. I wave it away as IMO the CB miskicked his clearance as opposed to it being a deliberate pass to the GK.

All in all I think it was a good game. Players and coaches shook my hand in the end and the 'back pass' wasn't mentioned.
A&H International