Ladies First game back


RefChat Addict
Well this afternoon I had my first game in the middle in two months.

Got to the venue about an hour before kick off and following a pitch inspection I decided it wasn't playable.

The pitch itself was borderline at best but I wasn't convinced that another 90 minutes of football would improve matters, and if I start a match i subsequently have to abandon then I'm not sure I should have started it in the first place.

As it was the home team arranged a last minute pitch at a school 10 minutes, and with travel and getting nets sorted etc we kicked off about 20 minutes late.

The match was between 2nd and 3rd and finished 1 nil to the away team. and all in all I didn't have a great deal to do. I think I only blew my whistle about 15 times and taking away some offsides and start and end of halves, and three injuries that only left 6 fouls all of which were against the home team.

I think I missed a penalty for the home side, but at the time I felt it was a hard but fair challenge. also might have given a goal kick instead of a corner.

Away team felt the home teams car give a couple of suspicious offsides, but I was close enough for each that the player in question looked offside, and he was accurate and fair with other decisions such as giving 50/50 decisions against his team. but nothing got out of hand.

All in all I covered about 3.5 miles so it wasn't particularly taxing, but my positioning and anticipation of play was very good, although perhaps I could have pushed further into the corners and penalty areas at times.

So to sum up, I'm happy, and while I'll do a few more women's matches before going back to mens football I'm a happy teddy.
A&H International
When I have club assistants I keep a much narrower patrol, simply because I feel I need to be closer to the zone you'd normally leave to your neutral assistant.

Sounds like you had a good game. Time to step it up and go for promotion??
I'm already on the promotion scheme, Unfortunately it's been one of those seasons where I've been hounded by illness and injury.

Need about another 10 games and 1 observation to get in which I think should be manageable
Yeah, it's not looking too good at the moment though, even in sunny Kent it's been raining since Saturday night.
I did my second game in the middle after injury today.

Premier division of the local women's league. Standard of football was well above anything I'd refereed before for eithe men or women.

It was a bit of a shift to keep up with play, and covered about 7.69km, which I think is the furthest I've covered this season, however my knee was fine.

I would rate my performance at 6/10, not sure why but even though I could easily keep up with play, even the long balls over the top, I just felt a bit sluggish and my anticipation of play wasn't great.

Still, onwards and upwards, I'm back into men's football next month with a few weeks with men on Saturday, and women on Sunday.
Less than 7.7k? Your anticipation must be phenomenal, I cover that most matches, nearer ten if it's a high standard!
Mens football I average about 7km +/-.

Maybe pitches local to me are smaller than average?

Alternatively I suspect that my GPS isn't catching everything, which is an unfortunate consequence of doing fast sprints etc, it could easily miss a quick dash into a corner etc.

I only really record distance, speed, and heart rate out of interest, as I use it to gauge how my fitness is improving.
Think it depends on the GPS device as well. I used to use a Polar and would regularly cover 11km, whereas now I've switched to a Polar V800 it is way less. Had a very fast paced game today on a very big pitch and still only did 9km according to the V800, whereas I reckon it would be well above tell with the old Garmin.
Yes, have found that the polar v800 is on the economical side when it comes to distance covered.

But for a normal run or bike ride it's pretty much bang on.