First Game(s)


Level 4 Referee
Hi all! Since starting the refereeing course I've been very interested in reading the posts and comments throughout the forum and now I've passed (98%) I thought I'd post. Apologies for another 'first game' thread but I thought it'd be good to hear from other members regarding a huge step in the career of every referee! I'll be refereeing at local tournament on Sunday and would love to hear about any hints or tips you may have to help get me through it successfully! Thanks!
A&H International
be friendly, chat to the players, have some banter,but don't cross the line, show them your not a referee droid
Nice big smile, relax (as much as you can) and most importantly enjoy yourself!
I remember my first ever game way back in 1994.

I spent the first half not leaving the centre circle, one player said to me at half time I know this is your first game but you might find it easier to make a decision if you we're up with play.

In the second half I ran all over the pitch and was so close to play I chested the ball past the last defender and into the goal.

It was an eye opener none of this support you get now, just passed here's your fixtures and good luck you will need it.