Open Age First Saturday League Game


Active Member
In the middle and I had no choice but to postpone it for waterlogged pitch:( The home team aren't the best in the league and frantically tried clearing the pitch about 75% done then a freak storm hit and chucked more rain down. One wing was nice and clear I could ping the ball across the floor and it went near full length 18 to 18. But the rest was dodgy with big puddles and with more rain clouds coming over and it spitting with rain both teams where happy with me to call it off, both wanted to chance it but changed their mind after 5 mins. I think if we did play then there might of been a broken leg.

Was I right to call it? Bearing in mind this was going to be my first ever Saturday game in the middle and I was by my self.
A&H International
You called it....so you were right :)

Did you claim your 50% match fee plus travel?