Football league referee


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Opinions on weather you believe it would be possible to make a living as a football league referee? The standard of living might not be quality and obvious struggles during the close season would be the main obstacles I can see.

But with the player being professional, surly for referees to continually perform at the best possible level and for fans, players and managers to expect these high performance levels, then the FL referees should be pros the same as their player counter parts. Thought?
A&H International
Well, if your income isnt up to it you can always claim your benefits to top them up.

So you get paid for doing what you want / love to, and Gov pays for the rest.

Seems like a good option to me!

NB, sarcasm to be taken as required
Haha the point I was making was there is enough money in the game for referees in the championship/ League 1 to become full time professionals which would improve the standard if refereeing in English football.

And for the record in very happy with my RAF career if that's what you were implying
No thats not what i was implying - but funny that a random person has a RAF career - by my previous life that makes us sworn enemies .......!!

Not toally sure what the current retention payments are for League but the idea is that they are enought that you would not have to have a second income, thus you can devote your time to reffing.

But still - if it;s low then there are still benefits to claim...
Good luck claiming benefits under this government. Bunch of #%!$?$

Wasn't there a Southern English ref last season kicked off jsa because of the kings ransom he received doing football matches on the weekend? Some grass roots league down that way.
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To be honest I think FL referees will need to become full-time in the near future as the game is getting faster, with full time jobs, they won't be able to keep up as they won't be able to put enough time into training!