forget about it and move on


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
How many times do we read that sage advice on these threads.

Am I alone, however, in having a school's u19 fixture today, or any other fixture for that matter, and still remembering as if it was yesterday, and not 14 months ago, an offside decision given on the strength of a sub's flag which I immediately realised was not offside after i'd blown my whistle and after the player deemed offside had put the ball in the net.

That would have made it 4-0 to the home side. As it was, the away team eventually pulled it back to 3-3 and then won it 5-3 in extra time

Oh, the eternal angst! :)
A&H International
It's not so much forget it and move on. Try this; Extract the learning point from the incident, forget the rest of it then move on!
Im with Sm learn something from every game to take with you to your next one ......eventually ...Perfection !!!!:D
Perlease! I know I didn't write it like that but please allow me some credit by realising that I will learn what I can from this or any incident

Having said that, it was a judgement call that I got wrong and, unlike a lotg, you cannot completely eradicate such errors from your game.....otherwise we'd be back to mr atwell never making a mistake