Junior/Youth Friendly

Callum Aris

Level 7 Referee
One of my Leagues has been off since early December and still doesn't state back up until 1st March, anyway I've got a friendly next week u13's, I normally referee u13/14's in the league but in friendlies do you be a bit more lenient with issuing cards or is it just exactly the same as league match.
A&H International
At that age group I've found there's no real difference in how players play compared to a competitive game. At professional level, players see friendlies for what they are and tend to retreat from certain tackles and challenges to prevent injuries, cards etc. At the age group mentioned players just see it as a game of football and will play how they normally do. Go in with the intention of being more lenient if the atmosphere, sets of coaches etc. suggest that would be a good way to go about it but don't be surprised if it turns out like a normal league game. Good luck, hope it all goes well :)
I was told by my mentor (going back years now) that you treat friendlies exactly the same as league matches or some players will think its a free for all and can get away with anything. I make a point of telling both team managers that although its a friendly i will still issue cards and submit them,i would have made that point when asked to do the friendly though....If they disagree i wouldn't referee the match....