Fundraising Ideas


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi all, as most referee's I am a member of my local referee society.

My question to everyone is what do you do for fundraising at yours and have you got any fundraising ideas of your own?
A&H International
Assume your association has the usual stuff like subscription fees and awards dinners. My RA (Glasgow) does an annual golf day which is very popular.
my local r.a. organised their own summer 6 a side tournament this year
A sponsored red card a thon. Everyone gets sponsored for every red they give out on a given Sunday! ;)
How about instead of a "swear box" it's a "card box", every member putting in £2 for a yellow, £5 for a red? Although can think of a few from my R.A that would be bankrupt by the end!
We do a raffle each meeting - some of us bring prizes each week to help funds - as well as 2-3 big quizzes during the year - 1 of which is against other RAs - another is for all the family

(Our meetings are every 2 weeks)