gambling heaven

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the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Following what can only be described as the phenomenal success of the world cup prediction league.................but seriously, folks........providing that Ross has no objection and there is some interest, I'd be happy to administer the following competition for the coming season.

All entrants pay an initial stake, I'm thinking a tenner, tho' happy to go with a lesser amount depending on what the general consensus might be.

Then starting with the first saturday of the new season, entrants select a team, from either the Premier League, the Championship, the First or the Second Division to win their match. If you get it wrong, you're out, if you get it right, you select a team for the following saturday, etc, etc until there is only one person remaining. That person then receives the total amount staked....less whatever it might cost me to transfer that money to them, should there be a cost....and then we can start all over again

The catch, where selecting a team is concerned, is that you can only pick any particular team just once. So, if you pick, say, Chelsea to win on the first Saturday, then you can't pick Chelsea again for as long as you remain in the competition, assuming that Chelsea win, of course :)

Please note that I wouldn't be messing about with paypal or similar for the stake money. It'll be a case of my bank a/c no. and sort code and trust on your part.

So, providing that Ross has no objection ( a yay or a nay on your part would obviously be appreciated, Ross) and you're interested in participating, let me know, let me know what you think is a reasonable amount and let's get this show on the road.
A&H International
I would be interested but not for a tenner. Us poor people in hull could work all our lives and not even lay eyes upon a tenner :p
I wouldn't mind doing it for £2 ish but then you would need more people to make it really good. I would also limit the leagues to just the BPL and championship because each league will have a game where it is clearly going to be one team that wins :)
I agree with HullRef, I would be happy to do it for a lower amount for the entry
I'd be up for that, although like above £2 would be better. Also, I'm not sure about having to give/receive bank details - Paypal is free to use when sending money to friends or family and I would personally rather do that
And what happens if everyone gets knocked out before the end of the season? Who gets the money?
We do this at work, we pay £10 each round to enter, you have to chose a winning team from the prem only, if your out your out, until the last few people still in, and if every one goes out your all back in again with another tenner, it does go on for a while I think we manage about 4 rounds a season, the highest it went was £1400!!! The team that got me every time was Liverpoo!!!
It's great fun to do, and not as easy as it sounds, I think if you chose any league it could go on a whole tbh.
The catch, where selecting a team is concerned, is that you can only pick any particular team just once. So, if you pick, say, Chelsea to win on the first Saturday, then you can't pick Chelsea again for as long as you remain in the competition, assuming that Chelsea win, of course :)

That's actually a valid point.
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