game day timetable

Francis Oldfield

New Member
Level 9 Referee
Got my first game coming up and I'm anxious as you can imagine...

Had anyone got a game day timetable ie get to the game at, then pitch inspection, then... Etc etc

I would really appreciate it!
A&H International
i tend to get to the game around 30-45 minutes early, this gives me enough time to have a little warm up, greet the managers and have a little pre-word with the captains before the toss.

i do 45 minutes if a pitch inspection is needed but around here there is usally already a game been played or 3G courts
Its all down to personal choice but for me its always an hour before, I arrive and make myself known to the managers/secretaries and then walk around the pitch (I keep a pair of wellies in my car for this). Providing the pitch is playable I will then get changed and have a warm up on the pitch for about 10/15 minutes. That leaves me enough time to get team sheets and copy them into my notebook and change into my kit and get out there.

Now I even do this on Sunday mornings (I just cant break the habit....OCD!!) which is not the best as I usually spend the first half hour sat in the car park on my own!!!
Brilliant thanks for this input. Everyone else feel free to carry on thread as I like to take best bits of everyone!
Saturday - up about 0930, coffee and wait for the boss to get up, bowl of cerial, shower and dressed.

1030Hrs head down to the farmers market, get the necessary, she has a bacon and sausage roll, just plane burger only for me (pork and apple burger to be exact it is a farmers market after all so it;s not a greasy spoon deep fried beef offal one - well aware what goes into this one).

probs finished there about 1130, head back home via local deli to get a few bits and the local corner shop for copy of the paper.

Get home, pint of water whilst unpacking, get Football Focus on the telly.

About 1300Hrs Sainsbury's arrive with the shopping, get that in and unpacked - taking out 2 lucozade sports from the 4 pack that comes.

Bout 1330Hrs grab bag, head off to car and head to ground. Most games are with 30 / 45 mins of home.

1400Hrs (and no later) arrive and do the necessary with teams, pitches, nets, brief teams and KO at 1500Hrs.

For the proper bit - always 1Hr before minimum. Always.
I start at the top and work down - shirt, pockets, shorts, pockets, socks, boots, grab jacket and head out, generally on putch 30 before KO.

If not already met them, head over to each team / coach and tell them I'll be in for a chat in 10, if they can check that all jewllery is off, match sheets complete with correct numbers and balls are ready please.


Pitch corner to corner, pace out the 10 yards to make sure it either is (or not) and that all lines seem straight, visible etc from varius positions on the pitch.

Warm up whilst checking bits - heel flicks to the 6, knee lifts to the 18, side stepping to the middle etc

head over to home team, grab sheet, and do YOUR jewllery checks etc. If you find anything - stern look at the coach / captain normally sets the scene! Give them their quick brief. captain - see you in the middle in 5 please.

The to the other team but see their captain in the middle in 2.

Get match ball, to middle doule check the time / watched / pockets, coin out and off we go.
Roll up at 2.58pm, light up a last minute Mayfair, and swig down the remainder of the morning cider.
Blow whistle.
Abandon due to lack of cider 10 mins into first half
Sod off home
Get cider
That's more like it ......lol proper ref
well after all your help, my first match was sadly cancelled because of the rain... Here's to the next one! BTW do you have to submit anything on Whole Game to say that it didn't go ahead or do you just delete the fixture?

thanks as always
Don't need to use whole game system at all unless there's cautions or reds to report so no don't worry about it :)
Not quite correct @HertsFinest. If the game is played and there are no cautions/sending offs the you need to submit a nil report or you'll keep getting prompts!
Very true. I'd gone on the assumption of it already being there as mention to deleting it was made in the posts.
Yeah sorry my mistake. I just don't enter my games unless there's a report. Use referee career for normal game reports and tracking.
If I have a midweek evening game my routine differs slightly.

I'll use tomorrow as a good example. I finish school at 3:30 get home for 3:50 and do myself a bowl of pasta and whack in some sauce. I'll get changed into my suit about 4:45 and I'm picked up at 5:15 to arrive just after 6:00pm for the 7:00pm kick off.

I don't wear a suit for every game, this is for ESFA at stafford town FC if anyone is from those parts