getting friendly match during summer

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
how can i get a friendly match during summer as i only got 1 last year and im trying to get more than that
A&H International
I had some business cards made on Vistaprint, (cheap price, good quality) I always carry them around.
At every game I always see both managers and ask if they have my details for the Referee Marking Card, I then hand them a business card. I get loads of friendlies most I have to turn down.

That's not a bad idea. I got loads printed with my charity events over next few months which will prob extend into next year. Going to use that idea definitely.
Vistaprint was about £10 for 250 I think, I just order more when I need them. It helps with getting 5-a-sides etc as well, makes my season almost 12 months long.

I even found a template with grass and a football on, then just added my own text.
Good idea there from Steve.

Personally, I have a good relationship with quite a few club secretaries/chairmen/managers and get matches through them.
I emailed all local adult clubs in my area (North-East). Also knew a few clubs as friendly with them. I have:
6 Middles and 6 lines so far organised. High level teams for the lines too!