Girls u11 and u15 games this weekend


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Getting to tick this off my refereeing wish list as taking charge of two girls games this weekend.

I'm really looking forward to it. Although my daughter is only 22 months old I do have my eye on her one day playing for a girls team already!
A&H International
I've got an U15s girls game as well. For me there's actually more paperwork involved than lads: times of substitues, time of goals, who scored the goals...
Luckily I dont need to take down any info such as goals or subs etc!

Two players of the U17s age group from the same club as the home team are actually in my year at school so they'll no doubt have been drip-feeding through all my moans from previous games. The age gap between myself and the players has the potential to be only about 7-8 months somehow, hope it's not dead awkward!
That's fine, being 16 I could feasibly be young enough to their fella!!
Not all of them are interested in 'fella's', mind

Have you declared an interest to the league with regards to the 'same school' issue...to avoid the possibility of it becoming one

cf Fleetwood v Port Vale last Saturday
Not all of them are interested in 'fella's', mind

Have you declared an interest to the league with regards to the 'same school' issue...to avoid the possibility of it becoming one

cf Fleetwood v Port Vale last Saturday
Very true haywain! And nah none of the U15s are from my school, don't know any of them (yet) thank goodness. If I do get their U17s I'll be sure to let the league know.