Goal Kick Questions


Active Member
From Law 16:
From 16.1: The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves
From 16.2: If an opponent who is in the penalty area when the goal kick is taken, or enters the penalty area before the ball is in play, touches or challenges for the ball before it is in play, the goal kick is retaken.

Touches or challenges for the ball before it's in play? That means an opponent touching the ball before the ball is kicked. Has this happened enough in the past that they had to put in in the Laws? A defender would actually run in and challenge the goal kick and/or get his foot on the ball before the attacking team plays the ball?

My more important question:
From 16.1: Opponents must be outside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
From 16.2: If, when a goal kick is taken, any opponents are inside the penalty area because they did not have time to leave, the referee allows play to continue. If an opponent who is in the penalty area when the goal kick is taken, or enters the penalty area before the ball is in play, touches or challenges for the ball before it is in play, the goal kick is retaken.

My question is...there is a goal kick, an opponent just standing around in the penalty area not leaving. Keeper looks at him. Shrugs. Not sure why the opponent isn't leaving. Maybe on purpose or maybe just oblivious and zoned out. Goal keeper plays the ball out of the box and is intercepted outside the penalty area and opponent gets a shot and goes wide. So another goal kick. However, if they would have scored, I'm not sure what I would have done. Well actually, I think I would have let the goal stand but, I'm not sure if that's right. I don't think this situation is covered except that it says opponents must be outside of the penalty area but it seems to be OK if they were in the penalty area and did NOT have time to leave. In this case, they did have time to leave, they just didn't. But the player in the area did not challenge for the ball.

So do I need to make sure the PA is clear of opponents if the keeper is not playing quickly? Do I only clear the area if the kicking team asks? Thanks.
A&H International
From Law 16:
From 16.1: The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves
From 16.2: If an opponent who is in the penalty area when the goal kick is taken, or enters the penalty area before the ball is in play, touches or challenges for the ball before it is in play, the goal kick is retaken.

Touches or challenges for the ball before it's in play? That means an opponent touching the ball before the ball is kicked. Has this happened enough in the past that they had to put in in the Laws? A defender would actually run in and challenge the goal kick and/or get his foot on the ball before the attacking team plays the ball?

My more important question:
From 16.1: Opponents must be outside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
From 16.2: If, when a goal kick is taken, any opponents are inside the penalty area because they did not have time to leave, the referee allows play to continue. If an opponent who is in the penalty area when the goal kick is taken, or enters the penalty area before the ball is in play, touches or challenges for the ball before it is in play, the goal kick is retaken.

My question is...there is a goal kick, an opponent just standing around in the penalty area not leaving. Keeper looks at him. Shrugs. Not sure why the opponent isn't leaving. Maybe on purpose or maybe just oblivious and zoned out. Goal keeper plays the ball out of the box and is intercepted outside the penalty area and opponent gets a shot and goes wide. So another goal kick. However, if they would have scored, I'm not sure what I would have done. Well actually, I think I would have let the goal stand but, I'm not sure if that's right. I don't think this situation is covered except that it says opponents must be outside of the penalty area but it seems to be OK if they were in the penalty area and did NOT have time to leave. In this case, they did have time to leave, they just didn't. But the player in the area did not challenge for the ball.

So do I need to make sure the PA is clear of opponents if the keeper is not playing quickly? Do I only clear the area if the kicking team asks? Thanks.
To start the rush of replies, this from IFAB:

Opponent in the penalty area when a goal kick is taken

Law 16 requires all opponents to be outside the penalty area until the goal kick is taken and if an opponent remains inside or enters the penalty area before the kick is taken and plays, challenges or touches the ball, the goal kick is retaken.

However, Law 16 also applies the ‘quick’ free kick principles outlined in Law 13 – Free Kicks, 3. Offences and sanctions that if any opponents are in the penalty areas because they did not have time to leave, the referee allows play to continue.

In practical terms, this means that referees should manage goal kicks (and defending team free kicks in their own penalty area) in the same way as they manage free kicks:

- Unless the kick is taken quickly, opposing players should be required to be outside the penalty area and remain outside until the kick has been taken.

- If the kick is taken quickly and an opponent genuinely did not have time to leave the penalty area, the opponent may not interfere with or prevent the taking of the kick but may intercept the ball once it is in play. This is allowed because the defending team, as at a quick free kick, tried to gain an advantage by taking the kick quickly and if this ‘goes wrong’ the Law is not there to ‘save’ them.

- Players who deliberately remain inside or enter the penalty area before the kick is taken should not gain an unfair advantage, even if the kick is taken quickly.

If an opposing player commits an offence (as outlined above) the goal kick is retaken; there is no disciplinary sanction unless the offence occurs a number of times (persistent misconduct).

Referees are skilled at managing 9.15m at free kicks and they should apply these skills and principles to the management of goal kicks and defending team free kicks in their own penalty area.