Goal Kicks


L3 Referee. EFL Assistant. Tutor. Observer. Coach.
Level 3 Referee
Hi Guys,

Firstly, many thanks for the birthday messages!

Secondly, I have a question, it may have a very obvious answer...

Goal kicks... We all know the ball is not in play until if leaves the penalty area. Now reading the LOTG, it states that an infringement occurs "If, after the ball is in play"... Now it says, if the kicker touches the ball (expect with his hands) before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is given, this is okay, it may leave the box before the offence is committed. If it's with the hands, and outside the box, a direct free kick

However, it says, if AFTER THE BALL IS PLAY, the kicker deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player, a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the penalty area... But if it occurred in the penalty area, the ball is not yet in play, so according to AFTER THE BALL IS PLAY, no offence has been committed?

It may just be early in the morning, but I'm a bit confused. Can someone clear this up for me please.
A&H International
This appears to be the normal exam question which always alludes to that freak of weather, the big gust of wind. The ball is in play after it leaves the PA but a freak gust of wind blows it back in, the kicker (not a goalie) thinking that he must retake the kick, picks the ball up - handball - penalty. I think I am right in thinking that if the player that picks the ball up is the goalie it is IFK. But it must not have touched another player after leaving the PA.
For me always a re-take no matter what happens unless it leaves the P/A - once out of the area the ball has been in play and you can sanction accordingly (I agree with Mick)
Yep, it's a re-take unless it has left the penalty area and come back in. OR, it could have hit the referee and rebounded back into the penalty area - although what would he be doing standing there?