Goalie idfk clarification please


Please could someone explain this part of law 12? It looks like it is saying that the goalkeeper is allowed to pick up the ball after they have tried to kick it after a back pass or throw in. Is that right?

'touches the ball with the hand/arm, unless the goalkeeper has clearly kicked or attempted to kick the ball to release it into play, after:
it has been deliberately kicked to the goalkeeper by a team-mate
receiving it directly from a throw-in taken by a team-mate'
A&H International
Yes, as long as they have genuinely tried to play the ball away.

This is for those times when a keeper tries to clear the ball from a backpass/throw-in and - for instance - slices it into the air. They are then allowed to use their hands to save it or catch it rather than be penalised as it is no longer directly from the pass/throw.
Here we go. Does "clearly kicked or attempted to kick" mean the attempt to kick must be a clear attempt, or does "clearly" only apply to "clearly kicked"? What if it's a half-hearted attempt to clear the ball and the GK then decides to pick up the ball instead?

I know.... ITOOTR...
Here we go. Does "clearly kicked or attempted to kick" mean the attempt to kick must be a clear attempt, or does "clearly" only apply to "clearly kicked"? What if it's a half-hearted attempt to clear the ball and the GK then decides to pick up the ball instead?

I know.... ITOOTR...
Correct (at last). Every decision is ITOOTR . . .
Had this exact scenario yesterday in a 5-4 observation.

Backpass takes a bobble, keeper slices it behind him and has to run and palm it away from onrushing striker. Muted appeal but my instinct told me that the genuine attempt and miskick meant it was OK so I gave nothing. However, spent the rest of the first half second guessing myself and chatted with observer at half time, conclusion at that point was that I had been incorrect.

To his credit, he then phoned me later on to confirm that my original decision had been correct so in the end I wasn't marked down...