Good calf warm ups

Dave Mac

I find after a short while my right calf cramps up. normally after a while of jogging about it sorts itself out. I've got into a habit of giving my calves a long massage after a game to stop them killing the next day, but any good warm up tips for the calves?
A&H International
thanks for these Andy, had no calf problems all game and today I'd normally feel stiff as a board in the calves but completely fine.
Skins compression!......i wear the calf guards and the half tights for the hamstring either during or after games/sessions - wonderful!

Since wearing them, my calf/hamstring recovery is brill and used with good stretches if really effective!
I only warm the calves up if it's Fresian...

Seriously, I tend to do a really thorough massage with rubbing oils before the game. I spend more time doing that than actually stretching them.