Good game ref, you handled it really well


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Had an u15 game today. Local derby, and all the kids go to school together so tends to be a lively one according to both managers.

It was a great game, a tiny bit of needle but I stayed well on top of it. Then had both managers compliment my handling of the match at the full time whistle. Put a real spring in my step and smile on my face.
A&H International
Always nice when you hear stuff like that after a game. Nicely done! :D
It's unusual i find. I was even more surprised as the away team had a couple of decisions go against them leading to goals which I was expecting them to moan about!
Enjoy it while it lasts - next week you'll going back to the usual 'youre **** ref' :D
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Enjoy it while it lasts - next week you'll going back to the usual 'youre **** ref' :D

I'm under no illusions it'll last, so I'm going to bask in the very rare moment of glory.

Although during the game I gave a few decisions in a row against one team and one of their players muttered to the other "old Howard Webb over there isn't going to give us anything today." Which made me laugh as comparing me to Howard Webb is probably about the biggest compliment ever in my eyes!
You have too much hair for that comparison????

It's nice to get compliments after the game. I can't remember what that feels like, the last time was sooooo long ago :D these days it tends to be just me talking to myself whilst looking into the mirror in the dressing room after the game saying "well done ref, well refereed!". "Oh thank you, you obviously know a lot about football, you handsome devil you!"

Note: not serious. :D
My first game of the season and my first junior football game ever I had both manager coming up to me saying "well done ref. that was an excellent performance. if only all referees were like you" and even the players saying "can we have you every week" and I thought I can get used to it. :)

Of course it all came crushing down the following week. But it is always enjoyable when you get praise.
i like the ones where they go 'good game ref, just a couple of things...' lol

i gave a penalty in a match few weeks back, after the game the referee done the above, one of things was 'how was that a penalty ref?' after simply explaing how, in my opinion, it was a penalty he simple replied 'oh, right...well you cant get fairer then that - cheers!' haha