Got one wrong


Everyone's Favourite Member
So hey guys.

Haven't been around in a while... forgot about the site tbh. I know... how dare I. :D

Anyway, had a bit of a stinker couple weeks ago. U21 match. Somehow both teams ended with 11 on the pitch although there was probably a case for 3, maybe 4 reds. Mind wasn't on the game at all, had a horrible week and took it all to the game with me. Thankfully, one of the teams was amazing and the other was terrible, so my decisions (or lack thereof) didn't really seem to affect the outcome at all, it was a foregone conclusion really.

Lets start with the list of howlers as per my diary book:

1) 7th minute. Blue attacker running through. Ball has gone over the top, blue attacker is through with a burst of pace, onside. Red defender catches up to him, has a nibble at his heels and sends him tumbling. Red defender is only guy near the attacker and otherwise attacker has a 1-on-1 with GK. Being so early in the game, I bottle the sending off and issue a yellow.

2) 41st minute. Blue attacker fouls red defender. Nothing bad, from memory a pull of the shirt or something similar. Red defender goes to take free kick, blue attacker is on the floor next to him but away from the ball and scurries over to block the free kick. I'm pretty sure red defender sees him do this, gets angry, and punts the ball at him purposefully, although I can't be 100%. That's what it looked like initially. (I was moving away but still facing the ball) Possible case for RC for red defender VC, end up not giving anything, blaming blue for intentionally getting in the way and issuing YC for delaying restart.

3) 45th minute. Just before half time. Small tussle between red attacker and blue defender, blue defender gets up from the floor, runs 15 yards towards me while ball is still in play and starts screaming at me. Was a 50/50 challenge something you see all day, both hands all over each other. Stands toe to toe with me and is screaming in my face. Possible RC again for foul & abusive, again I give yellow dissent.

Half time comes around and I go into the dressing room in despair, knowing I've really messed up and just thinking about how lucky I am that nobody I know is here watching me. I was genuinely ashamed with my performance.

Second half comes and is generally a lot better. A similar incident to number 1 occurs again for the other side this time, in an attempt to remain as far as possible I again issue YC, at this point game is pretty much concluded anyway, I think 5-1 or something, and I don't want to cause anymore trouble than is necessary to add to my already poor performance.

Genuinely think that if I had a fellow referee watch that game, or even worse, an assessor, it'd be possible I wouldn't be a referee anymore. That's how bad my man management and decision making was that game.

Bounced back with a couple of great AR performances on the Invicta League though, thankfully, and not had a repeat of any of this and hope I never will.

A bad day in the office :(
A&H International
I don't know, we don't see you for ages and then you come crawling back when you want something ;) Welcome back Evan. :D

You are not the only referee to ever have a bad game mate. Luckily for you though, you have already fulfilled 2 of he 3 steps of moving on from the experience.

Identify what went wrong (check), think through how you could have better handled the situation/s (check), adapt this experience and learning into your skill set for future matches.

You can sometimes rehearse how you will react to certain situations in games. For instance the first incident; I will ensure I am up with play, I will have a good angle on the challenge and follow the ball into the penalty area. When the challenge comes in I will be in a credible position to award the penalty, blow the whistle firmly and confidently point to the spot; I will then ensure to take a second to mentally rewind and check the positions of other defenders on deciding whether it is DOGSO or not, being mindful of any reaction from the fouled player or his team mates. If i decide it is DOGSO I will isolate the defender and follow my pre planned procedure for issuing a red card (according to situation and temperature of match) issue the card. Etc.

I now use some of the skills in the "raise your mental game" book (recommended) around visualisation and rehearsing how games will go. Seems to work a charm.