Groin Strain - Level 4 Fitness Test


L3 Referee. EFL Assistant. Tutor. Observer. Coach.
Level 3 Referee

Doctors have recently told me I've got a groin strain, which is rubbish considering the timing. His recommendation is just rest and anti-inflammatory meds.

The level 4 fitness test is under 3 weeks away, and I'll have to do some training, but obviously I need to rest. So slightly worried!

Any advice / tips regarding recovery / training and also advice with regards to missing a level 4 fitness test due to injury. If it is missed (but say you have a doctors note) what happens? Surely they can't stop you refereeing at level for the next season as you couldn't do the fitness test?
A&H International
@drahc if possible get yourself some physio. Doctors are Ok but most lack the specialism in sports injury.

Nevertheless, if you are injured DON'T take the test! Inform the FA asap if there is an issue with you taking the test and you should simply be able to transfer to the July date for the test.
@ASM - perfect advice, thanks very much mate!

Doctors have recently told me I've got a groin strain, which is rubbish considering the timing. His recommendation is just rest and anti-inflammatory meds.

The level 4 fitness test is under 3 weeks away, and I'll have to do some training, but obviously I need to rest. So slightly worried!

Any advice / tips regarding recovery / training and also advice with regards to missing a level 4 fitness test due to injury. If it is missed (but say you have a doctors note) what happens? Surely they can't stop you refereeing at level for the next season as you couldn't do the fitness test?
ASM's advice is good. Comment re not promoting you or retaining you at that level ... yes "they" can. It is their selection procedure and if you don't pass the test, you don't get/keep the level. Happened to a L3 colleague of mine and he got busted back to a 5 despite having a solid 1st season at 3. He's back up to 4 next season and then who knows?
Do NOT do it injured! Leave it till the July date. If still injured, you get a chance in August (although miss batch 1 of fixtures) and then a final chance in September (although miss batch 2 too). Trust me, wait till the injury clears up - it is not worth it!
Gents, many thanks for all the advice. I will contact my RDM and The FA tomorrow.
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Groin strains are a bugger to shift, have been plagued by one all season. Hoping 4 months rest will sort it out...
Rest is the only cure...
Very annoying indeed Paul - had lots coming up pre-season wise. But as you say, rest is the only cure. Better to have this injury now (bar the fitness test prep and and my plans!) instead of the middle of the season really.