Junior/Youth Had a feeling there might have been bigger things going on


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Two games today. Both fine, other than a bit cold! Second was u11 game and the away manager was a bit gobby, I wasnt personally a fan of how he was shouting at his lads. Really berating them, any mistake he'd be subbing them off at the next break in play. It seemed a bit mean for that age. One thing that did concern me was he was singling one boy out a fair amount, constantly whatever this lad did he was on his back. Weirdly I thought this lad had a good game. The thing that kind of *****ed my attention was this lad was the only black player on the team.

I dont know if it was me reading into things too much, or the cold was just getting to my mind. But I was hoping for some advice. I dont want to claiming he might be some crazy racist. But on the other hand do I just dismiss it as nothing, as it might be part of a bigger problem that is going on.
A&H International
I've witnessed sort of similar behaviour in OA football, manager would just vent on this one player all the time. No matter what he did he went ape. During a break in play I asked the player what was going on and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "the guy is just a complete ****". Strangely enough when I was Ref'ing later that season he was with another team.
One of two things here, either the bloke is singling this guy out or what I see happen a lot is this:

If the gaffer thinks this player shows promise and can go somewhere, he may be particularly hard on him and have higher expectations. As you said he did alright, then maybe the manager expects him to be a lot better and was harsh as he feels the player could do something in football when he is older. Just a thought as Ive done coaching before and have had this mentality with some players that had talent but needed a kick to push on and progress. May just be a coincidence that hes black.

IF its a youth game, parents will be there, and Im sure if it was for racist reasons they would have picked up on it, so I wouldnt worry too much. At that age they should have a club welfare officer, speak to them rather than going straight in with a complaint of misconduct or racism.
@HertsFinest your probably right. I found myself slightly bored during the game so could have just been over thinking things!

The manager was clearly a decent player himself, you could tell when warming up as he was spraying long balls back to the keeper from 70 or so yards with great accuracy. I find guys like that tend to be a bit harsher on the kids as have had that winning mentality drilled into them over th years of playing.
Shouting, berating, singling out, different treatment to the others, U11 kids game (before you even get to skin colour or sex).....

Sure there's a connection here that was in my welfare course .........