The Ref Stop



Level 5 Referee
I have been a referee for over 30 years, and have been fortunate to have had very few injuries, however two weeks ago I felt a slight pull on my hamstring. I rested it for a week, and thought it was ok, but it went again on Saturday. I have never had a hamstring injury before, and wondered how long it will take to recover?
The Ref Stop
From what you say, I'd suggest 4-6 weeks.

From how you describe it it sounds like a partial tear, where a few strands of muscle fibre tear, bleed and then start to recover.

Obviously while they recover they are weak, so in the second occurrence the repairing tissue has re-torn, starting the process again.

It's rest only I'm afraid, for 4-6 weeks. Once you re-start activity ensure your warm up is through and you do plenty of jogging before stretching the hamstring out to prevent re-occurrence.

Hope that helps.
Try to get some physio treatment to properly assess the extent of the injury and test the hamstring. For example, do you get any discomfort when you gentle stretch the muscle at present?

I've suffered a little with hamstrings in the past but the more often than not my issue is neural and is referred pain from my lower back and weak core muscles rather than the actual hamstring.
Having suffered from a torn hamstring in the past, rest, rest, rest, rest and then rest some more.

Unfortunately it's a difficult injury to speed up the healing time. I saw a physio once a week for 6 months, that's how long it took to gain full strength.

Hopefully you haven't done any serious damage, but rest is key. At least a month I'd say
Thanks for the input Gents. I do not get any discomfort when walking, but if I try to stretch I can feel it pulling. When it went on Saturday, there were still 60 minutes left. I did continue, but only at a gentle jog combined with walking. I told both team managers at half time about the situation, and they were very understanding. Though I think I have probably only made it worse by continuing. It looks like Saturday shopping trips for few weeks...!
Hi Frank, that sounds very much like a hamstring tear as mentioned above. Rest and rest again.
All of the above. Don't soldier on next time, just walk or get a replacement from the touchline.
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It's a hamstring. Wait until you think it's ready, then add a week or two. Come back to soon, take off too fast and you'll put yourself out for longer than the initial injury. I once spent most of a season sidelined because I kept trying to come back too early.

I'd recommend physiotherapy, but failing that you'll want to take it easy and resist the urge to come back too soon.
An update Gents, after a month of rest, I did a game this morning. I must be honest and admit I did no sprinting, I just eased myself into it. I had a fifteen minute warm up and felt OK. Thankfully I had no reaction so maybe the injury has cleared up. Will I be OK to start sprinting again next week, as I am still a bit tentative in case it goes again?
An update Gents, after a month of rest, I did a game this morning. I must be honest and admit I did no sprinting, I just eased myself into it. I had a fifteen minute warm up and felt OK. Thankfully I had no reaction so maybe the injury has cleared up. Will I be OK to start sprinting again next week, as I am still a bit tentative in case it goes again?
I would get some treadmill and bike work done and also do plenty of stretches after any exercise. The best news is that we are about to enter the winter break commonly known as November to February.