Handball by striker?


Today I was refereeing a friendly (thank goodness!) game, where a defender attempted to clear the ball away from the penalty area. However, the ball hit an opposing attacker on the arm and went through to his team mate, who scored. Only thing is, the attacker who handled the ball was facing the wrong way when the ball hit him.

Is it safer just to blow for handball anyway, or should I play on as it was clearly not intentional, even if it does lead to a goal?
A&H International
It looks like you answered your own question. If it was "clearly not intentional" then you would struggle to sell it as deliberate and therefore not handball.
I only ask because I remember seeing someone on here saying that if any contact with the hand is likely to result in a goal, it's a safer call to give the handball. In the game, the striker's arm was still outstretched from a previous movement
James as you said earlier " the attacker who handled the ball was facing the wrong way when the ball hit him." You cant sell that as a deliberate handball as the attacking player couldnt know where the ball is to stop it with his hand/arm, therefore the goal should stand and not give the freekcick to the defending side.
That's what I thought in the game, I allowed the goal and incurred an enormous amount of stick from the players!
James, a dodgy freekick for handball against an attacker will be forgotten a lot quicker than a dodgy goal! It's like ball out of play; if in doubt give it to the defenders, because they're less likely to score from it!
Obviously if you have a gut feeling that it's one way or the other, then you have to go with your gut and stand by your decision. We don't get paid to make easy choices, but sometimes we can make easier ones with a bit of experience ;)
It doesn't matter what's safer -- it matters what the correct decision is. If you haven't got the courage to deal with criticism when you've made a correct but difficult decision, then you might consider doing something else.
Doesn't sound like handball to me.

We know that realistically, most handballs aren't 'deliberate', but from your description, giving it would be very harsh!
From what you describe, you made the correct decision. IMO it would be extremely harsh to penalise the attacker in this case. If your 'gut feeling' was that it wasn't a handball, go with it and stick with it. We're paid to make the right decisions, not 'safe' ones!
