Hello all


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Been lurking for a while but thought I'd better intoduce myself before posting, I did my course and passed my exam last month with Sheffield & Hallamshire FA and I've done 3 of my 6 games so far. Mainly concentrating on junior football at the moment as I did the course to help my son's club but refereeing's something I've always been interested in.

Loved the thread asking if 26 is too old to start as I'm 47 this month
A&H International
Been lurking for a while but thought I'd better intoduce myself before posting, I did my course and passed my exam last month with Sheffield & Hallamshire FA and I've done 3 of my 6 games so far. Mainly concentrating on junior football at the moment as I did the course to help my son's club but refereeing's something I've always been interested in.

Loved the thread asking if 26 is too old to start as I'm 47 this month
Welcome, its good to have a few young un's around the place! :(
Been lurking for a while but thought I'd better intoduce myself before posting, I did my course and passed my exam last month with Sheffield & Hallamshire FA and I've done 3 of my 6 games so far. Mainly concentrating on junior football at the moment as I did the course to help my son's club but refereeing's something I've always been interested in.

Loved the thread asking if 26 is too old to start as I'm 47 this month
Greetings young man, i qualified when i was 50.
Age is no barrier, 47 and going strong (though knees next day are a bas*^rd) Greatest satisfaction is sprinting past midfielders in the 85th minute. Welcome to the extended, if not a little dysfunctional, family
Makes me laugh too..... as i strategically place myself in ball drop zones in anticipation thus reducing running time, (phew) when it does come to a sprint (players now knackered) i move like the tasmanian devil past players oh ! deep joy.....