Hi All - New here...

Monotone Whistle

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

My name is P and I have been a long-time lurker, finally deciding I should join up and see if I can contribute or just learn through the interaction of the forum.

I'm currently waiting to hear about my promotion with Essex FA (6 - 5), this has been delayed county-wide owing to staff absence so we won't hear until 23rd March at the earliest. I am hoping to be accepted and have registered for 5 - 4 promotion for 2015/16.

I've been reffing for 4 years, following a long and ultimately unsuccessful playing career that took me from Step 5 all the way down to Sunday morning by the end. Once I was at that low point, refereeing seemed to be a good idea, and I've loved every minute of it.

My username is reference to the one comment I always get on my assessments.
A&H International
Welcome to refchat mate! Nice to have another Essex ref on here :p we have a lot of comedians and don't, whatever you do, be controversial - you'll get eaten alive! The last one to be overly controversial got his account deleted and the one before that was a FIFA listed referee from Kenya... Enjoy :p
Welcome to the forum P. Great user name!

Plenty of discussions and what have you around the place, feel free to get involved. I would ask you to cast your eye over the forum rules but if you can't be assed with that, just be respectful of others (as they will be to you in return) and you will be fine! :D nothing in the rules about being controversial so if that's you thing... ;)

@HarryD - not strictly true mate. :)
Maybe the irony wasnt put across well. Don't be controversial on here while name dropping a couple of controversial things thus being controversial? No? Just me? Okay :( :p