Hi Everyone!


Level 7 Referee

I'm Nic, 15 so Level 8; L7 in Nov. This is now my 3rd season of refereeing and have enjoyed (nearly!) every moment. Looking to discussing the coming season with everyone on here.

A&H International
Welcome to a RefChat Nic. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Good luck for the season
Thanks. You too!

As I wouldn't be looking for promotion this year I've opted to go on the line on a Supply League from Nov, purely for experience building up for next season (2015-16) where hopefully I can go from 7-6. Middles will probably be Youth Football but perhaps the odd local open age match where I can. Balancing this with GCSEs will be a task but sure it will work somehow?!;)
The only advise I'd give on this is to try when and only when you are ready, and aim to have a colleague with you.
Balancing refereeing with life doesn't get easier, wife, 3 teenagers and animals, just remember that for all but a few it's a hobby that puts a bit of cash in your pocket.
In terms of Open Age I'm quite looking forward to it. I attended a match as a guest of the Referee back in April and knew then I definitely wanted to AR by the end of the of year. No doubt the good will come with the bad but that's refereeing! Hmm think remembering it is just a hobby is something I'll have to remember before I go onto FOP this season!