Junior/Youth High kick and parent entering field of play


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Absolute nightmare game today. Ball is high in the air definitely a header required whites player jumps up and studs a reds player in midair in the ribs. It was a red card in my opinion but I don't know whether it was violent conduct or serious foul play because the ball was near to the two players. The red carded player was serenaded by a lot of goading from the reds bench and was swearing at them as he walked off, then appeared to try and run back but was restrained and sent to the changing rooms.

Then later in the game a reds player was injured and his father ran on, shouting at people, unsure whether he was shouting at the whites coach or players. Whites coach then wanted a word with me as I was setting up for a free kick and he also appeared to be having words with reds players too. After the game he said the parent running on was a child protection issue. There were so many shouting matches going on at one time I didn't manage to get any words down. I'm pretty sure a misconduct form is in order but I've no idea what I should and shouldn't report, would appreciate some help.
A&H International
Have you got any names, or the name of the player, thus "Charlie Brooker's / white 3's farther" ran onto the pitch, or just submit that, as a minor yourself at 16, you were sworn at, language towards you that you found offensive, upsetting or insulting, and by whome, which team, coach / supporters etc.

It might be hard to get a Misconduct in if you dont know who, or have reocllectins of what, but submitting a match report that x, y and z etc can not go a miss.

I had to do similar when I hear something recist said behind me, and a white player confronted me that he was offended by it but as I didn;t have a who said what (players, spectators, subs etc) all i could do was put it in a seperate email that it had happened for their info - upon which they acted.

But as you are still considered to be a minor yourself, child protection extends to you too. all because you are theref does not mean you are open to whatever someone wants to throw at you. If swearing at the "kids" is unacceptable then so is at the kid ref too.
When I had racist allegations etc all I did was send in my report with which team was being racist and who said so. Then I just had to say that I didn't hear it because play was down the other end of the pitch and left my county fa to carry out the investigations
Have you got any names, or the name of the player, thus "Charlie Brooker's / white 3's farther" ran onto the pitch, or just submit that, as a minor yourself at 16, you were sworn at, language towards you that you found offensive, upsetting or insulting, and by whome, which team, coach / supporters etc.

It might be hard to get a Misconduct in if you dont know who, or have reocllectins of what, but submitting a match report that x, y and z etc can not go a miss.

I had to do similar when I hear something recist said behind me, and a white player confronted me that he was offended by it but as I didn;t have a who said what (players, spectators, subs etc) all i could do was put it in a seperate email that it had happened for their info - upon which they acted.

But as you are still considered to be a minor yourself, child protection extends to you too. all because you are theref does not mean you are open to whatever someone wants to throw at you. If swearing at the "kids" is unacceptable then so is at the kid ref too.
Sorry, unclear here: the parent was shouting and swearing at those affiliated with the white team, not myself. It may have been towards the whites players or may have been towards the whites coaches.

I personally wasn't subjected to the most abuse, that was delivered between the two teams to each other. However I did feel generally a little unsafe during the game: with the whites coach aggressively wanting "a word" during the game, with the parent, with the sheer amount of hostility between the two teams. When I asked the coach for the parents name they said they didn't know.
I don't think that a parent running on is a child protection issue, though I wouldn't know if there's been some sort of directive over your way.

Did you do anything about the white bench goading the red player as he was leaving the field?
I don't think that a parent running on is a child protection issue, though I wouldn't know if there's been some sort of directive over your way.

Did you do anything about the red bench goading the white player as he was leaving the field?
Had a word saying there's no need for it, will be including in my sending off report both the goading and the player's reaction (two fingered salute, telling the bench to "shut their f****** a***s up").
I think you could have had a case for possible abandonment dependingon the severity of the parent's language. At the very least a report for pitch invasion by a spectator is required. Nothing wrong with the sending off or handling of.