Open Age Horror Tackle - When to Send Off?


RefChat Addict
I had a real horror tackle in the game I had today. Orange player slid in with excessive force on Blue, late and at knee height. Propelled Blue player about 3 feet into the air and he was screaming in agony before he'd hit the floor.

There was no confrontation after it, i just isolated the Orange player whilst we paused the asses the injury to Blue - thankfully the initial fears that it was a "leg-breaker" proved to be unfounded and after about 8 minutes of stoppage he was able to make it off the pitch being carried by his team mates.

It was only after i'd made sure he was ok and leaving the pitch, that I sent off the Orange player.

Is there any definitive guidance as to at what point you show the card? Had there been a confrontation i'd probably have whipped the red out immediately, however as the main concern of all of the players was the injured Blue player it seemed obvious to make sure he was ok before dealing with it.

Whilst the Blue player was on the floor I did make sure that the Orange player knew that I'd be speaking to him shortly.

Any thoughts?
A&H International
Isolate player, memorise number of offender, quick check on the injured player and get the offender off sharpish after that. Dont want the injured lads teammates screaming at him and causing a tricky situation. In your scenario though sounds like it worked well - dont rely on teams being as mild mannered as that usually though! :p
depends on the situation. If there was confrontation, orange denying that he did it, angry or confrontational - straight off.

If he knows he dod wrong, seems concerned about the player, sorry ya de ya, and not a threat you can potentiall say to him as he's there and about that it was late, last man whaatever your reasons are and that he'll be going off and then do it in your own time.

That's what's worked for me - judge the situation.

If ou work on the post tackle - players run at you its yellow, run at the player it's red - way of working, then sonner than later.
yeah as i'd said the over-riding concern of everyone was that it was a really serious injury to the Blue player. In hindsight I could have binned him almost immediately, but it worked out fine on this occasion!
From only admittedly second-hand advice, I'd deal with getting the player off straight away. Otherwise you leave room for a mass confrontation which is in my opinion the biggest thing I could do without in a game due to a distinct wee man status.
In that situation I think you're spot on. Any shouting or aggression post tackle from any opposition then get him gone sharpish
You were fortunate that this did not cause a mass confrontation, though it seems you handled this one well. I had a terrible tackle in a game a couple of weeks ago. Two footed and over the ball. I went over to assess the extent of the players injury, which was thankfully not too bad, but I already had my red card in my hand, so everyone was aware what action I was taking.