How are the pitches looking?


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Anyone had their game/s called off yet? Pitches aren't looking to great here to be honest
A&H International
Been dry and windy since Wednesday here, so hopefully we can have a full weekend of fixtures. Yay!
Mine on Saturday off, Sundays still on at the minute, fingers crossed!
sunday game switched to away team's 3g pitch, travel switched from 3 miles to 53 miles

swings and roundabouts
quite severe flooding throughout the county here Ross, up to and including our senior league they're reversing fixtures or changing venues where possible, a few 'Junior' clubs are upset at loosing a good pitch because of precedence of games, a lot of County Cup fixtures taking place are 'pinching' the pitches, but it's all in the CFA handbook, 2-3 grounds are 2' under water, Abingdon Town being about the worst, not playable for 10-12 weeks they estimate from previous floods

Lot of high altitude football in Oxfordshire! Get us ready for Brazil!!
Most of my leagues games on Sunday have been binned. Not hopeful for tomorrow either with the forecast overnight temperatures.
My game tomorrow postponed did to a bereavement! No news yet from refsec regarding remaining games without an official
I need some friends in high places for some freebies :(

What game you picked up?
should be getting my first game of the post chrimbo period tomorrow, although I was informed by colleagues earlier that they have no shower in the refs room :( oh well, could be worse
Got my rearranged game. Pitch was a bit muddy but not boggy and very playable. Loads of matches postponed locally though.
My game just got moved to the away teams ground because of the pitch... Just an extra few miles on my mum's petrol:))
2 called off. still able to get in one game tomorrow luckily, but big pain for me as I can't do my monday night night reffing due to horrifically having to go to the villa game!
Had 3 on astro this morning and an academy game tomorrow, guessing the pitch will be fine cause we've not had much rain the last few days