How long should I take before moving up the ages?


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
So my league is short of refs for their afternoon games which involve U16s, U17s and U19s ages. I currently do U13s and U14s. Been refereeing since March so I'm not exactly as experienced as the English lads that have been doing it since age 14 and are at open age level at 16. What would you advise? I want to move out my comfort zone and become better by virtue of more games but have a feeling I'm creating problems for myself and being stupid - up in Scotland it isn't really the norm.
A&H International
Take guidance from your peers in the association but if you can get a supevised U16 game to referee that would be a good indicator of where your at development wise
Smair .........I would try to advise 1 year at a time , preferably on your birthday :D:D