How people cope withh boring games

A&H International
Start carding random people in the middle or make blatantly incorrect offside calls when you're on the line ;) Oh wait, we do that anyway don't we???
4 supply middles, 3 assessments. Total of 5 red, a manager off and 16 yellows. 12 for tackles..
Just had the latest assessment through and I think he was somewhere else. But I should probably stop there, open forum and all that.
Boredom on a line can kill your ref and pull your hamstring.
If it's boring because all of the play is far end move an imaginary offside line further upfield and talk yourself through the players positions.
If it's just a crap game I'm afraid you can only look forward to the next one.
Keep stretching, especially on cold night games as you don't want your hammy to go in the 88th minute during your only sprint of the night.
Not having a bad week really Craig. Two of the middles were really hard work. Tuesdays was simply nasty. One team had very little discipline and I've given 36 Fouls, 10/26 split.
I've been on top of every one. 70 yards closer than the assessor for a caution he has insisted was red and done me for application of law!!! AR was 10 yards away and given me yellow sign, I'm already thinking yellow. But from 80 yards ......
I'll shut up now, maybe.
You when you've had a game when it end to end then you have a game where ball is mostly getting hooved up field it was like that
70 yards closer than the assessor for a caution he has insisted was red and done me for application of law!!! AR was 10 yards away and given me yellow sign, I'm already thinking yellow. But from 80 yards ......
I'll shut up now, maybe.

I feel your pain, was on the line last season and saw a player jump in off the floor no more than 20-25 yards away from me. I tell ref he sends him off, assessor is apoplectic that we have got it wrong despite him being all the way over the other side of the pitch as well as in a stand. He even tried telling us we should consider changing over mind.
I hate it when you keep getting throw ins around the same area that just keep getting cleared for another throw. So red team throws, blue nuts it out. Thrown in by reds again, they head it out, blues throw and the same thing keeps happening over and over. I tend to spot a free kick then to break up the monotony!

Or that one centre half who can kick the ball to the moon and continually decides to do so when he's only half a yard from the touch line so it takes an age to get the ball back.

I find it the game is really boring I try and give even more thought to my positioning and try different positions at throw ins and corners etc to keep my mind active and also give myself new ideas for future games. Or failing that just start thinking about what I'll have for dinner or something.
why am i now sitting here at five to six wondering what you're having for dinner tonight, Dave :rolleyes:
Sorry to be a let down guys but was just roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for dinner. Nothing too extravagant!