How's everyone's month looking?


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
As the title suggests I'm curious to see how everyone's Sept is looking.
Mine is jam packed with only 1 free slot for a game which is nothing new for me. I've got a good mix of local games including a massive premier division derby game next Saturday which normally gets quite tasty so I'm also expecting an assessor. I've got a few youth league games and a Women's Premier Game on the line. Now, just to wait for October fixtures to be released.
A&H International
Pretty busy myself before I move to Germany. Got two womens premier league, plus a couple of more county games. You're on the line for me I believe Aled on the 21st.
You're on the line for me I believe Aled on the 21st.
I think you'll find I most certainly am :) I'm looking forward to it, will be nice to work with a referee I've not done a game with before
This month is 1 game which was today on the line, suppose to have one on in the middle on the 21st but I've had to pull out. Compare this to last month I had 7 Games (5 Middles & 2 Lines), but the reason this month I'm only on 1 is down to one thing and that is .... next Friday 12th Sept I'm off to uni up in Burnley so up to Lancs I go.