I love making those phone calls

Brian Hamilton

RefChat Addict
As many of you will know I am heavily involved in football.

I referee, I assess promotion candidates 7-6 6-5 5-4, I assess Supply League, I assess Contributory League, I tutor New Referee courses, I deliver in-service training for my County and at RA meetings, I tutor on new tutor courses for The FA, I am Respect Officer and Fixture Secretary for my local Sunday League.

I also have another role which is Secretary for my District FA. For those who don't understand/have Districts, they are smaller versions of County FAs but within a large County. I organise 4 competitions each season, one Saturday, one Sunday and two Junior. From time to time we also run a representative team which plays against other representative teams from across the County.

As District Secretary I appoint the referees to the cup competitions and track their marks. At this stage of the season, the Council of the District FA meet to decide who referees our finals and semi finals. I give them the marks and my recommendations for appointments. I then get to phone the referees appointed to the finals.

Firstly they don't believe you, then they question the decision, then they worry about if they are available, then they worry about injury and who they will be working with and then... it sinks in. They have a cup final in front of up to 500 people at a stadium of a local Evostik League team... and that's when the emotion kicks in.

So thank you to my appointed referees, thank you to those who agreed with and disagreed with my recommendations and thank you to the clubs who on the whole have been fair when awarding their marks. Just got to get the paperwork sorted now, including all the complimentaries and the press booked and the cups polished. It's going to be a long 2 months :)
A&H International