The Ref Stop

I was CAR Thursday night

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
And we had a young ref U15 game .
I took the flag and waited in the centre circle with him and he was muttering about the away team and how he wanted them to send over a lino. Toot your whistle and hold your flag up , says I ... Which he does and someone steps forward .
Look on his face says... Ooh. That works .
Anyway , he has a terrible game gives a pen which (really) wasn't and one of the dads has a pop at him for it ... 3 times. So I've told him to shut up , leave him alone , he's a kid learning his trade .
second half wasn't much better and when ref came to shake hands with home manager he apologised saying I should have done this. Should have done that , and his head was down , really looked upset , so I followed him and his dad to the car park and said , look don't worry , everything you missed you'll get next week .
A) annoyed at the parents reaction ( and I'm reffing his sons game tomorrow )

B) upset that this young fella has walked away with his head down

C) I've got his number, do I call him and have a chat to reinforce what I was trying to say to him on the day ?
The Ref Stop
And we had a young ref U15 game .
I took the flag and waited in the centre circle with him and he was muttering about the away team and how he wanted them to send over a lino. Toot your whistle and hold your flag up , says I ... Which he does and someone steps forward .
Look on his face says... Ooh. That works .
Anyway , he has a terrible game gives a pen which (really) wasn't and one of the dads has a pop at him for it ... 3 times. So I've told him to shut up , leave him alone , he's a kid learning his trade .
second half wasn't much better and when ref came to shake hands with home manager he apologised saying I should have done this. Should have done that , and his head was down , really looked upset , so I followed him and his dad to the car park and said , look don't worry , everything you missed you'll get next week .
A) annoyed at the parents reaction ( and I'm reffing his sons game tomorrow )

B) upset that this young fella has walked away with his head down

C) I've got his number, do I call him and have a chat to reinforce what I was trying to say to him on the day ?

Sounds like a mentor is needed. You sound like the right man for the job with positivity and constructive criticism.

Give him a call :)
Send him our way. I'm a firm believer that this forum is what we all need to post anonymously to get feedback and help
Agreed. Will recommend he joins in here.
If that had been my son out there receiving the comments he got I'd have been tempted to knock the fella out
Why do people think they can talk to young lads in that fashion
Sounds like a mentor is needed. You sound like the right man for the job with positivity and constructive criticism.

Give him a call :)
Ha crikey I need mentoring myself !
Not had anybody come look at what I'm doing as yet. But yeah , maybe I could point him in the right direction