Ibercup Cascais 2019

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee
Hi guys,

In the past I have attended a couple of IberCup tournaments and really enjoyed the experience.

I want to apply for the 2019 IberCup Cascais and I will be going as an independent but I have found out that my local FA will be looking to send their CORE referees out to this tournament.

Will this affect me in any way? I am not on the CORE scheme as I am not the required level, nor do I have any interest in promotion.

For example, can my county FA refuse my request for international clearance for this tournament because I am not on the CORE scheme? Thus preventing my attendance in Portugal?
A&H International
I don’t the answer for sure but I think the tournament I was at in Spain had UK refs from core as well as others.

My bet is that your previous tournaments and reputation with Tournanents Abroad are the most important things.

I will also apply to Cascais. Hope to see you there!

I have a similar situation. I think the young ref academy here will send guys/gals to Portugal. I will just try to do my best so that my refsec supports my application if it’s needed.
The only issues I have ever had at IberCups was being incredibly ill on the third day of the tournament after my knockout games (constantly vomiting in my hotel room meaning I had to come off my games for the next day) but that was my first tournament amd I was still accepted to the "bigger" Estoril tournament later in the year so wasn't an issue.

The only other issue was me being racially abused by a manager of a French team at Estoril 2017. Reported it to the tournament orgsnisers and never heard anything since
The only issues I have ever had at IberCups was being incredibly ill on the third day of the tournament after my knockout games (constantly vomiting in my hotel room meaning I had to come off my games for the next day) but that was my first tournament amd I was still accepted to the "bigger" Estoril tournament later in the year so wasn't an issue.

The only other issue was me being racially abused by a manager of a French team at Estoril 2017. Reported it to the tournament orgsnisers and never heard anything since
Do not like that.
I got accused of being Portugese by a Puerto Rican but I know it’s not the same;)
Thank you, can you bring along a guest?

Not sure. One referee at Estoril 2017 bought his wife along but they were in a hotel they booked on their own, as opposed to the hotels booked for refs such as Estoril Eden.