Incitement of violence


New Member
Hi all,

Has anyone heard of or dismissed a player for “Incitement of violence”? I ask this as my son was playing in an U17 game on Sunday and was dismissed for this although when I questioned the referee at the time of the sending off his reply was that it was for “Mouth”?
I will set the scene and take you through a few things that happened leading up to the incident!
Before the match started the referee told the two managers that he did not like to caution players and put money into the pockets of the local FA so if it was ok with them he would use a sin bin instead of showing players a yellow card. The competition rules of the league do not state that sin bins are to be used. Ten minutes into the first half my son loses the ball on the edge of the opposition’s penalty area and pulls the opposition’s player back, LOAF states that this is probably a caution so true to his word the ref sends my son from the field of play for five minutes, I timed it and it was actually seven. In those seven minutes there were about five fouls that in my opinion warranted cautions but none of the offenders were sin binned, probably because the referee would have struggled to keep track of when players were due to re-enter the field of play. Now my son is a very good player and has played at academy level for an English league club and is still doing an EDP with the same club. He was causing the opposition all sorts of problems, and for the rest of the first half and up until he was sent off he was kicked, tripped, pulled and pushed all over the pitch and not once did he react, he just got up and got on with it and in amongst all of that he still managed to score four goals. A lot of these did result in free kicks yet still no one was sin binned. Being the son of a referee it has been drummed into him not to react to anything as it will probably end up with him being cautioned or sent off.
The incident that led to the dismissal was very odd, my son and a opposition player were tussling for a ball that was played over the top, the defender won the ball and it went out for a throw in, the opposition player obviously said something to my son who replied by walking away clapping his hands saying “yea very funny” the opposition player then gave my son a slight push on the back of his shoulder to which my son replied “yep that is even funnier” and clapped again. At this point another opposition player came in and pushed my son in the chest and shouted quite loudly “Fu@k Off”, another opposition player then pushed my son and said something along the lines of “I’m going to knock you out” to which my son replied “go on then”. At the start of the incident the ref was about 25 yards away in the centre circle; where he was for most of the game, He came over and issued a red card to the first opposition player to push my son, a caution at most in my opinion and then a red to my son and nothing to the other two players who had pushed my son.
After the game I asked the ref if I could ask him about both sending’s off to which he replied that my son was dismissed for “Incitement of violence” and the opposition player was dismissed for violent conduct.
Now if he does indeed put these dismissals through I am intending to appeal my sons one and in fact I offered my services to the opposition manager as a witness as his players was in my opinion very harsh.

Sorry it is a bit long but just wanted to get the opinions of other referees.
A&H International
Hi Rodders,

Thanks for taking the time to join and ask!

The fact that this referee is using sin bins is appalling, and a complaint needs to be lodged, in my opinion.

As for the part about your disagreement over cautions - not much to comment there as I'm sure you expected, though I know you were just giving context. Glad to hear he had the maturity to not respond with aggression though!!!

As to whether a red card could be given for inciting violence....well, it's arguable. There was a debate on here recently over whether a thread could be a read card - basically, trying to work out if it fits into 'Offensive, Insulting And/Or Abusive Language And/Or Gestures' or 'Violent Conduct'.

Most agree we could argue hard enough to fit int into OFFINABUS...probably as abusive. So I think there is scope.
but there is simply no way on earth that 'go on then' in response to a threat is a red card. Not even close.

Possibly a yellow card depending how it's said, but even that is very unlikely.
Not sure what 'incitement of violence' is, but I would imagine that will be reported as OFFINABUS. As you describe it, I can't quite work out how what he said/did warranted a red card.

In terms of the sin bin, it's not up to the referee to operate a system like that. The LoTG are there for a reason and it's not his place to effectively do what he wants. I won't go in to the cards in youth football debate again, it's been had too many times already.
Report the referee to the FA and appeal the red card.

Isn't there a floodlights youth league he could play where you get NARs? He sounds too good for that level.
Report the referee to the FA and appeal the red card.

Isn't there a floodlights youth league he could play where you get NARs? He sounds too good for that level.

Don't waste your time appealing the red card. As I'm sure you know, it won't be overturned unless it was mistaken identity or there's video evidence.
It is one of those situations that we can't really comment on without being there and only getting one side of the story. And as we know we all see what we want to see when it comes to our own kids !
The red card could also be overturned if the referee is wrong in law, and effectively says so in his misconduct report.

For example, he would have to state the words used by the players involved or what he saw. If he uses the words "incitement of violence" in his report then I would be fairly sure you would have a strong grounds for appeal. In other words, it depends on what the referee writes don.
I see what you are saying Brian but their really was nothing aggressive about it, he simply said to the oppo player "go on then" as he had threatened him. I suppose I will just have to wait and see if the ref actually puts the dismissal through. I Will post back with what he puts on the report if he does.
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I see what you are saying Brian but their really was nothing aggressive about it, he simply said to the oppo player "go on then" as he had threatened him. I suppose I will just have to wait and see if the ref actually puts the dismissal through. I Will post back with what he puts on the report if he does.
Adopting an aggressive attitude is a code used to classify a caution for unsporting behaviour, not a dismissal