Info needed


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
I've been approached from my local ladies team manager, asking me if I would be available to referee their matches.
I'm still a level 9(only 3 games to go) and they play in the west riding county women league.
Once I reach level 7 can I officiate their games or you need a county referee for that (level 6)?
A&H International
That's what I thought as well, but apparently she needs to finds the ref for their home fixtures.
I would contact your CFA about this. If you was to do this match and then put it on the whole game system I am sure your secretary will be annoyed that they have not been informed of these games, especially if you issue a red card or even a yellow. Cover your back to prevent you getting in to trouble. It is down to the secretary to allocate referees not club managers.
@Chris Smith that's part of problem, since the 10th august I can't access the ref admin tab on whole game. Emailed and spoke with RDO, and they say its temp.
Their first home game is covered by a L5 ref, however she can't cover their 2nd home game, that's why ladies manager asked me if I could.
Agree with your last sentence, that's why I think its odd....
The name of the league is indicative only of the geographical area this league covers. Teams in the league have to find their own referees. I did two of their cup finals last season by virtue of replying to an email to help in a semi final a few weeks before.

You are fine to referee their games.
just watch out for the "he always does us" leading to working relationships with the home team. Regualrly seeing them will create aquaintences and freindships that others may pick up on nd could lead to questioning.
@HRW its not going to happen, as the local club can count on 3 different ref including myself.
Also I should start to pick up games in my local junior league, as well as open age, and cherry on cake once a month my local supply league on lines.
I shall be a busy man to "always do" the home team games.