Interesting Game Sunday, advice please?


New Member
Sunday was my 1st match back in 5 months due to injury U18 Blue vs Green.
1st Half went without a hitch, fast football, score 1-0
2nd half- 2 mins in a caution blue7- no complaints, reckless tackle, played the ball then the player and studs up, free kick and cation adminisistered
26mins- both teams are very niggley, various fouls given although more against green, gave a free kick, cue sustained dissent from green 9 after I'd already warned him=C2, easy
29 mins- careless tackle on an attacker in the penalty area by green 5- I have a word with him and warn about the tackle and dissent, however he continues to make comments about the penalty and the penalty taker, caution for C1, again easy. Penalty scored
36 mins- more fouls against green. Captain takes it upon himself to remind me there are 2 teams not 1, I decided to caution although looking back would anyone have walked him?
Major decision on the 39th minute of the 2nd half, I blow up for a foul against a blue player, who as green 6 walks past him and brushes against him crumples to the ground, I hit the whistle, call over green 6 and show him a red for VC as I believed at the time I had seen a flick of the arm towards blue's nether regions, cue absolute chaos!!! In the end blue captain is adamant that his player only has cramp and nothing happened, with the game about to descend into chaos I pulled the captains to one side, made sure this was correct on pain of them both recieving cautions if they were wrong, checked with the injured blue player who says nothing happened, so I rescinded the red card, correct or not? thinking about it I should have let it go to appeal, but then I feel I would have had to abandon the match and cause more problems.
A&H International
Wow!!! Nothing like welcoming you back to it with a bang eh?

First things first, the captain after 36 minutes. Caution was spot on in my opinion, had he used the "C" word, then itd have been an early bath
Second, the rescinded red card, cant say ive ever done it, but as long as you didnt restart play i dont see a problem with what you did. As if you feel you have made the wrong decision, fair play for having the balls to go back on your original decision
2nd half - 29th minute. You only caution for the tackle after the player complains? Thats dissent and C2 not C1 for the tackle.

2nd half - 36th minute, captain's comment needs a public rebuke and a caution probably would have been harsh

Rescinding a card is not the perogative of the referee. If you believed you saw an action which you felt required a dismissal, you report it and let him argue his case at his personal hearing. There was a case at Euro 2008 (Holland vs Russia) where a FIFA referee issued a 2nd caution for a challenge and dismissed the player. His assistant spoke to him to tell him the ball had gone out of play and he shouldn't have cautioned. He rescinded the caution and therefore the dismissal. It was later advised by UEFA that he did not have the authority to make that decision, even though he hadn't restarted the game.

This scenario still forms part of the DVD used as part of the Traditional version of the Basic Course for New Referees
I have in the past made it clear that my decision to dsimiss a player was wrong in the misconduct report that i sent into FA. They took no further action against the player a rescinded the card. Although it meant the player could take no further action in the game he was not banned which he told me he was happy with at a later game.

the other risk you run with letting players back on the pitch after a dismissal no matter how right you feel about doing it at the time is the fact that you will now run the risk of teams testing your reslove on the issue in future matches.

Best advice i can give is administor the LOTG add some common sense and let the rest be dealt with by the powers that be.