Iran Vs Japan - karma at AFC Cup semi final


RefChat Addict

Two interesting incident.

1st goal karma at 40'. The Iranian players had been surrounding the referee for every decision. Sporting contact near PA and Japanese player goes down and 5 Iranian defenders rush to the referee (as they had been all game) protesting it's not a foul. The referee was never giving the foul though. This leave the Japanese striker free to chase the ball and cross it in and another attacker in the box also free to head it in.

2nd goal handball penalty at 1.20. It was not a clear and obvious error for a review. But OFR was used purely to sell the decision and stop the Iranian players surrounding the referee and protesting as they had been all game.
A&H International
2nd goal handball penalty at 1.20. It was not a clear and obvious error for a review. But OFR was used purely to sell the decision and stop the Iranian players surrounding the referee and protesting as they had been all game.

I disagree here. I think you're seeing a clear example of the FIFA vs UEFA teaching on handling. FIFA says this is handling. This is what the American FIFA instructor is talking about with "taking a risk" in that video that everyone on here loved. UEFA says this isn't handling when the ball hits the upper arm. The AFC referee called the penalty because FIFA said it's a PK. The European VAR said it was a clear and obvious error because he's from the UEFA school. The Asian referee looked at it again and said "nope that's a PK".
This is more than just a putting the hand down to break the fall and more of making himself as big as possible. It's not even a proper slide. The cross/cut back is going was readable long before the defender put his hand in front of it.

Anyway if you had seen the live coverage, the referee went for his earpiece almost immediately after giving the decision and saw players coming at him. More like a case of I'm going to check this on the screen no matter what the VAR tells me.
1st goal karma at 40'. The Iranian players had been surrounding the referee for every decision. Sporting contact near PA and Japanese player goes down and 5 Iranian defenders rush to the referee (as they had been all game) protesting it's not a foul. The referee was never giving the foul though. This leave the Japanese striker free to chase the ball and cross it in and another attacker in the box also free to head it in.

Absolutely brilliant that. :egg:
Harsh HB but in the first incident I am so so happy Japan scored after 5 Iranian players stopped playing and surrounded the referee while the ball is still in play. Maybe they'll learn.
This is what the American FIFA instructor is talking about with "taking a risk" in that video that everyone on here loved
I don't recall everyone loving that video in the thread referenced
FWIW, I can live with these HB decisions being given. Although I'm from the 'has to be deliberate' Old Skool, I get the principal that the player is made bigger when going to ground to block.... Bigger including the hand and arm trailing behind or raised above the body
I hate the HB decision but that’s a FIFA hand ball. And why they have to get on with updating the book.

The ”protest” goal should be compulsory viewing for every team in the universe. That is just fantastic! More like that please!
Noooooooo....just not handball under the current law as it is written.......and I don't care what guidance has been issued nor by whom........anyone thinking this is handball should take a long hard look at themselves and for the good of the game, retire.......
I hate the HB decision but that’s a FIFA hand ball. And why they have to get on with updating the book.

The ”protest” goal should be compulsory viewing for every team in the universe. That is just fantastic! More like that please!
It beggars belief that FIFA teach stuff (to a subset of refs) that hasn't been ratified by IFAB
What chance have spectators, players, coaches, cats & dogs got with HB understanding, when even refs are getting conflicting guidance?
Madness :brb:
If I ever return to playing and one of you lot gives a handball when I’m defending a ball, arms by my side and it hits my drooped arms prepare to card me!
I disagree here. I think you're seeing a clear example of the FIFA vs UEFA teaching on handling. FIFA says this is handling. This is what the American FIFA instructor is talking about with "taking a risk" in that video that everyone on here loved. UEFA says this isn't handling when the ball hits the upper arm. The AFC referee called the penalty because FIFA said it's a PK. The European VAR said it was a clear and obvious error because he's from the UEFA school. The Asian referee looked at it again and said "nope that's a PK".

Therein lies the problem. IFAB need to start leading referee instruction.
I disagree here. I think you're seeing a clear example of the FIFA vs UEFA teaching on handling. FIFA says this is handling. This is what the American FIFA instructor is talking about with "taking a risk" in that video that everyone on here loved. UEFA says this isn't handling when the ball hits the upper arm. The AFC referee called the penalty because FIFA said it's a PK. The European VAR said it was a clear and obvious error because he's from the UEFA school. The Asian referee looked at it again and said "nope that's a PK".

Still took 4 minutes to sort out though!:rolleyes:
Harsh HB but in the first incident I am so so happy Japan scored after 5 Iranian players stopped playing and surrounded the referee while the ball is still in play. Maybe they'll learn.

They pi55ed me off during the World Cup with their constant play-acting and cheating and dissent as well. Probably the worst disciplined team at the tournament. Whenever a team like that loses ... it's a good thing. :cool:

Dissent with a Yorkshire accent - why it's practically OFFINABUS. ;):D

Of course you would need to guess at what he was saying, as I dont watch Emerdale unless am visiting my grans.
But it be clased as dissent all the same.
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